3 Signs You Might Have a Personal Injury Claim


Around 40 million Americans suffer a personal injury each year. This includes personal injury that leads to a full-blown, costly lawsuit. While some types of injuries may be manageable, some can leave you damaged beyond repair.

Witnessing your health being wasted away is a tough thing to digest, need we say more? If you feel that you may have a case, you might have a personal injury claim.

While some injuries are plain and simple, there are also personal injury cases that are less apparent. With this in mind, be sure to keep on reading our guide below to see if any of these signs apply to you.

Unintentional Accident

Signs that you might have a personal injury claim after an unintentional accident:

If you are a victim of an accident that is not your fault, you may have compensation. Here are some common signs that you may have a claim. First, you may have medical bills from the accident.

Second, you have missed time from work because of your injuries. Third, you may have ongoing pain or disability from the accident. Finally, the accident caused damage to property.

But of course, before claiming your personal injury, you should know more about what is personal injury first. It is a must that you are well-informed on the matter to know the steps you need to take.

If you are not sure whether you have a claim, you should speak to an experienced personal injury attorney. But, what if you don’t know anyone who is an experienced personal injury attorney?

Well, we got you covered. Just click for more to speak with an experienced attorney who can assess your case and advise you of your options.

Mental Health Conditions

There are a few different signs that you might have a personal injury in relation to mental health conditions.

One is you have recently been involved in a traumatic event, such as a car accident or a workplace accident, and you are struggling to cope with the aftermath.

Another is if you are suffering from depression, anxiety, or post-traumatic stress disorder as a result of the accident.

Also, you have attempted to seek treatment for your mental health condition and have not been able to find relief.

If you are experiencing some mental health conditions, you need to seek help from a professional.

Medical Treatments

Signs that you might have a personal injury after medical treatment.

First, if you were not given proper informed consent before the treatment. The second is an injury caused by a treatment that was not carried out properly.

Third, if the treatment caused you new injuries or made your existing injuries worse. Finally, if you suffered emotional distress as a result of the treatment.

Personal Injury Claims

In summary, if you experienced these signs, you might have a personal injury claim. If you think you have a case, contact a personal injury lawyer to discuss your next steps.

If you want to read about more personal injury claim processes and legal topics and issues, check out the other articles here on our site.