5 Reasons to Hire a Disability Lawyer

You live a normal day-to-day life until one day, things take a turn for the worse. You may have been in a car accident, or you’ve been diagnosed with a serious illness. Or maybe it’s something else entirely.

When you’re suffering from a disability that makes it difficult for you to complete various tasks, you may need to turn to a disability lawyer to get the justice you deserve.

In this article, you will learn more about the benefits disability lawyers offer their clients – and the five key reasons you should hire one for your case.

Keep reading!

1. Learning the Basics

Whatever your problem is concerning your disability, perhaps you have been wrongfully denied benefits or you have no idea how to apply for them, or whether you’re even eligible, a lawyer will break it down for you.

That means you won’t only understand what is actually going on with your case but also what your rights and options are. In other words, you will get the expert legal help you need through the entire process of securing your benefits.

2. Understanding ERISA

There are many systems in government that take care of disability insurance, and one of them is the ERISA (Employee Retirement Income Security Act). If you hire a lawyer, you get help navigating through the ERISA and even representation in appeals if necessary.

A lawyer will also ensure that you are receiving the full amount of benefits to which you are entitled. While you are not required to have an attorney to file a claim under ERISA, having one can greatly increase your chances of success.

3. Determining SSDI Coverage

If neither ERISA nor a private disability insurance plan covers you, there’s a chance you could be eligible for benefits under Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI).

A disability lawyer will be familiar with the medical evidence required to support an SSDI claim and can help gather the necessary documentation from your treating physicians.

Additionally, a lawyer can represent you at hearings before the Social Security Administration and dispute a denial of benefits if needed.

4. Checking for SSI Eligibility

The Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program allocates monthly payments to those who have a disability, including blindness, whose income and resources do not exceed a certain limit.

Children and adults are eligible for SSI benefits, including people who are older than 65 without disabilities but meet the financial requirements.

In any case, a disability lawyer can help ensure that you get your benefits through this channel if you are qualified.

5. Negotiating With the Other Party

There are many reasons to hire a disability lawyer when striking a deal with the other party. For one, these attorneys are masters of negotiations, ensuring that you receive fair and just compensation.

On top of that, a disability lawyer can help protect your rights and interests throughout the negotiation process.

Your Disability Lawyer Is Your Ally

When you are ready to hire a disability lawyer, be sure to consider all of these reasons why it is a good idea. In a nutshell, this attorney can help you with the entire complicated legal process, including negotiations and appeals.

They have the expertise to get the best possible outcome for your case. After all, you deserve to be compensated for your disability, and your disability attorney will see to it that this happens.

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