AC Replacement vs. Repair: Which Is Better?

With over 11,000 heat-related deaths in America, air conditioning is literally a lifesaver. So when it comes to air conditioner repair vs. ac replacement, which should you choose?

It may seem obvious, but whether to replace or repair your entire system is much more complex than it meets the eye. Before you make a choice, there are several factors you should consider.

Join us as we walk through these factors so that it’s clear how to make your decision and when to call a professional for advice.

What’s the Age of Your System?

When faced with this monumental decision, the first thing you should consider is the age of your system. In the world of AC repair, there’s a saying: “A new air conditioner lasts longer than an old one.” This is because as the life of your HVAC system progresses, it becomes less efficient.

The internal components are more likely to break down and require replacements. This can cost thousands of dollars, and that’s if you don’t need any repairs along the way.

If you’re considering repairing your air conditioner instead of buying a new one, here are some questions to ask yourself. Is your system already broken? Does it have any problems with efficiency? How much will it cost to replace?

Does this sound like a lot of money for something that may not even be worth keeping around? Then we’d recommend going ahead and replacing your current unit instead! Check it out on this website for more information.

How Much Will a Repair Cost?

The repair cost largely depends on the age of your AC, how long it’s been running, and where you live. Generally, if your AC unit is still relatively new, it makes more economical sense to have it repaired. However, if the repair cost will set you back thousands of dollars, you should consider replacing it.

The “5,000 rule” is a common guideline for HVAC professionals. It may be more cost-effective to replace the unit if the age of the device is greater than the repair cost multiplied by $5,000. On the other hand, you should consider repairs if the cost is below $500.

Is Your Air Conditioning Unit Efficient?

Before you get down to the nitty-gritty of whether or not to repair or replace your AC, ask yourself this question. Does your unit run efficiently?

If it has an energy efficiency rating (EER) higher than 10, then it’s doing its job. An EER of 10 is considered average; anything over this means it’s above average.

However, if your unit has an EER lower than 10 and you’re looking for a new one anyway. Consider whether replacing would make sense instead.

AC Replacement or Repair, Make the Best Choice

It all comes down to cost. While repairs may seem like a cheaper option up front, they can lead to more problems down the line.

AC replacement is a more permanent solution that will save you money on future repair fees. This will reduce stress later on when those issues arise.

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