Do House Windows Block UV Rays?

For many of us, the glass of our windows is interwoven into our daily lives, obscuring but also maintaining our view of the outside world.

But do UV rays go through glass? That depends on what glass you are referring to! Each type of glass has its own measure of UV protection ranging from almost none at all to maximum possible absorption.

So, what is UV radiation, and how does the window block UV rays? Keep on reading to find out!

Do House Windows Block UV Rays?

In short, yes. Most windows, whether in your home or a car, will offer some level of protection against harmful UV rays. However, the degree to which they block UV rays can vary.

For example, regular glass blocks about 70% of UVB rays but only about 18% of UVA rays.

It is why it’s still important to be careful about exposure to UV rays, even when you’re indoors. If you’re spending a lot of time near a window, consider using a UV-blocking window film or curtains.

And remember, the sun’s UV rays can reflect off surfaces like water, snow, and sand, so be extra diligent about applying sunscreen outdoors.

How House Windows Can Impact Your Health

House windows can play a big role in your health by blocking out harmful UV rays the window.

According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, Ultraviolet (UV) radiation is a known human carcinogen, and exposure to UV radiation is the main cause of skin cancer.

Additionally, UV rays can also cause other types of damage to your skin, such as premature aging. So, not only can house windows help keep you healthy, but they can also help you look younger!

How to Select the Right Window Treatment to Block UV Rays

If you are looking to block UV rays from coming into your home, there are a few things to consider when selecting the right window treatment.

Type of Window You Have

If you have a standard-sized window, you can usually find a ready-made window treatment that will fit. If you have an odd-sized window, you may need to have a custom window treatment made.

Amount of Sunlight

If you have a lot of sunlight, you will need a window treatment to block most of the light. If you have a room that is not very sunny, you can get away with a lighter window treatment.

Fade-Resistant Fabrics

The amount of sunlight exposure, the type of sunlight exposure, and the level of UV protection all play a role in determining the best window treatment option.

Fade-resistant fabrics are a good option for protecting against UV damage, as they can help to reduce the amount of fading that occurs.

Heavy-duty shades and blinds also block UV rays and can help keep your home cooler in the summer months.


If you are looking for maximum protection from UV rays, you may want to consider window treatments that are specifically designed to block UV rays, such as blackout curtains or shades.

If you are looking for a less heavy-duty solution, you may want to consider light-filtering curtains or shades.

Whatever window treatment you select, read the instructions carefully to ensure that it is properly installed and provides the level of protection you need.

Different Window Treatment Styles to Block UV Rays

It is important to protect your skin from these harmful rays, and one way to do this is by using window treatments that can block UV rays.

Some of the different styles of window treatments that can help to block UV rays include:


When it comes to curtains, many different styles can effectively block UV rays. Some of the most popular styles include blackout curtains, thermal curtains, and light-filtering curtains.

Blackout curtains are effective in blocking out all light, including UV rays. Thermal curtains are made of a thicker material that helps to block out heat and UV rays. Light-filtering curtains allow some light to enter the room but filter out harmful UV rays.


Blinds are a common window treatment that can effectively block UV rays. The material of the blinds and the color can play a role in how effective they are at blocking UV rays.


Shutters are an excellent choice for obstructing sunlight and providing privacy. Another excellent option because they can be adjusted to let in as much or as little light as desired.


Tinting your windows can also help reduce the heat and UV light that comes into your home, which can help keep it cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter.

You can contact a local window tinting service if you want to have your windows tinted but don’t know how to do it alone. This can be a great way to get the look you want without having to do it yourself.

Using one of these window treatment options can help keep your skin safe from the harmful effects of UV rays.

Learn if Do UV Rays Go Through Glass Today

So, do UV rays go through glass? The answer is yes, it does! However, the amount of UV light that passes through glass depends on the type of glass, the thickness of the glass, and the amount of time the UV light is exposed to the glass.

If you’re concerned about UV exposure, be sure to wear sunglasses or a hat when you’re outdoors and avoid prolonged exposure to the sun. Ultimately, if you’re going to be in the sun, make sure to always protect yourself!

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