How Often Should You Wash Your Dog? A Quick Guide

Lovable, cuddly — your dog comes to mind when these words are spoken. Yet this adorable bundle of fur can start to stink fast. So how often should you wash your dog?

Washing your dog too often can leave its fur damaged and dry, while not washing enough can create a stinky dog that may attract fleas and ticks.

The frequency will differ depending on your pup’s coat type, but we’ve got the dog grooming basics you need to know. Continue reading to learn more!

Guidelines for Washing Your Dog

Bathing your dog is an essential part of keeping your furry friend healthy and happy. How you wash your dog depends on a few factors, including his activity level, coat type, and skin condition.

If your dog is particularly active or has a thick coat, he may need other hygiene products compared to other dogs. De-shedder and special combs are available if your dog has a thick coat that sheds frequently.

Smaller dogs such as chihuahuas are easier to bathe due to their small size. However, they also get anxious easily, and companion dogs can help with their anxiety. Here is a list of the best companion dog for chihuahua.

How Often Should You Wash Your Dog?

Washing your dog too often can strip its coat of natural oils and lead to dry, itchy skin. But how often should you really wash your pup?

If your dog has normal skin and is not especially dirty or smelly, once a month is generally sufficient. However, if your dog has dry skin, you may want to wash them every two to three weeks to help keep its skin moisturized.

If your dog gets dirty or smelly frequently (they like to roll in mud), you may need to wash them more often. Do spot cleanings in between your monthly baths.

Consult your veterinarian if you notice your dog scratching a lot or their skin looks irritated. They may have a skin condition that requires more frequent bathing or specific shampoo.

The Best Way to Wash Your Dog

The best way to wash your dog is to use a shampoo that is specifically designed for dogs. You should avoid using human shampoo, as it can be harsh on your dog’s skin. When shampooing your dog, be sure to avoid their eyes and ears. If your dog has a relatively thick coat, be sure to rub the shampoo so that you will be able to clean your dog well.

Rinse your dog thoroughly to remove all the soap before towel drying them; you can also blow dry your dog if necessary to prevent that “wet dog smell” that can come from improper drying.

Keeping Your Dog Clean Between Washes

In summary, the answer to the question, “How often should you wash your dog?” is at least once a month. Be mindful of your dog’s activity level, coat, and skin conditions to ensure a proper bath.

If your dog likes to roll around in the mud, you can also give baths in between. And if your dog gets smelly quickly, some products such as powders or dry shampoos can help lessen your dog’s odor in between washes.

Did these dog bathing tips help you? Keep reading our blog for other useful topics.