How to Fix Car Dents: DIY vs Professional Dent Repair

Every single morning you wake up and walk to your car, and there it is… That horrible big dent that frustrates the hell out of you.

You may have tried 100 times to get rid of it but nothing working.

Dents can be an eyesore and they can also decrease the value of your car. If you have a dent, you’re not alone.

Keep reading because this guide will show you how to fix car dents using both DIY methods and professional services. We’ll cover the pros and cons of each method so that you can make the best decision for your needs.

A Plunger

A plunger is probably the most common household item that people use to try fixing car dents To use a plunger, simply wet the suction cup and place it over the dent. Then, push and pull the plunger up and down until the dent pops out.

If you don’t have a plunger, you can also try using a vacuum cleaner with a hose attachment. Place the hose over the dent and turn on the vacuum cleaner. The suction should pull the dent out.

A Hairdryer

Believe it or not, a hairdryer can be used to remove smaller dents from cars. Simply direct the heat from the hairdryer onto the dent for a few minutes until the metal expands.

Then, use your hands to pop the dent out. You might need to repeat this process a few times for larger dents, but it’s a quick and easy way to get your car looking like new again. Just be careful not to overheat the metal, as this could cause further damage.

Boiling Water

This method is similar to the hairdryer method, but instead of using heat, you’ll be using boiling water. Pour a pot of boiling water over the dented area and wait for a few minutes until the metal expands.

Then, use a plunger or your hands to pop the dent out. Again, be careful not to overheat the metal or get the interior of your car wet.

Dry Ice

If you have dry ice on hand, you can use it to remove dents from your car. Simply hold the dry ice against the dent for a few seconds until the metal contracts.

Then, use your hands or a plunger to pop the dent out. Just be careful not to touch the dry ice with your bare skin, as it can cause frostbite.

Hot Glue, Wooden Dowels, and Screws

This is a slightly more complicated method, but it’s effective for larger dents. First, apply hot glue around the edge of the dent.

Then, place wooden dowels or screws into the hot glue so that they’re sticking out of the dent. Finally, use your hands to pull on the dowels or screws until the dent pops out.

Long Metal Rod and Knockdown

This method is similar to the hot glue method, but instead of using dowels or screws, you’ll be using a long metal rod and a knockdown knife. First, apply hot glue around the edge of the dent.

Then, insert the metal rod into the hot glue so that it’s sticking out of the dent. Finally, use the knockdown knife to hit the metal rod until the dent pops out.

Use a Speciality Tool

There are a few different special tools that you can use to remove dents from cars. These tools include dent pullers, suction cups, and plunger-type devices.

Dent pullers are designed specifically for removing dents from cars. They work by attaching it to the edge of the dent and then pulling it out.

Suction cups are another tool that you can use to remove dents. They work by creating a seal around the edge of the dent and then pulling on the suction cup to remove the dent.

Plunger-type devices work in a similar way to suction cups, but instead of using a suction cup, they use a plunger to create a seal around the edge of the dent.

Professional Dent Repair

For bigger dents or dents that you can’t seem to remove yourself, it’s best to seek professional help. There are many different ways that professionals can remove dents, but one of the most common methods is called paintless dent repair. This method involves using special tools to push the dent out from behind.

Another common method is to use a drill to remove the dent. This method is typically used for bigger dents. The drill is used to create a hole in the metal, which allows the dent to be pulled out from the inside.

If you want to work with a professional car dent removal company, check out

Which Method Should You Choose?

Now that you know a little bit about both DIY dent repair and professional dent repair, you may be wondering which method you should choose. As we mentioned before, it depends on the severity of the dent.

If the dent is small and shallow, you may be able to fix it yourself with some basic supplies. However, if the dent is large or deep, it’s probably best to leave it to the professionals.

When in doubt, it’s always best to err on the side of caution and take your car to a professional. They’ll be able to assess the damage and give you an accurate estimate of the repairs that need to be made.

How to Fix Car Dents

So, should you fix car dents yourself or call in the professionals? It depends on a few factors. If the dent is small and accessible, and you have the time and patience to do it yourself, then go for it! But if the dent is bigger or in an awkward place, it might be best to leave it to the experts.

No matter what you choose, always be safe and use proper precautions when working with tools around your car.

For more information on how to fix car dents – DIY or professional – check out our blog for more helpful guides like this one on fixing car dents.