Invisalign: A Clear Choice For Orthodontic Wellness

Achieving proper teeth alignment is essential not only for enhancing your overall appearance but also for maintaining good oral hygiene and preventing dental issues such as tooth decay and gum disease. Invisalign, a leading brand of aligners, offers a customized solution to address dental imperfections and improve your smile. Invisalign offered by the dentist in Leduc, Alberta helps you attain optimal oral health by effectively correcting various dental concerns.

What are Invisalign aligners?

Invisalign is the most popular brand of clear aligners that uses a thermoplastic material to help correct smiles. They are available in the form of transparent, customized trays that move your teeth to the desired position gradually over time.  These clear trays are virtually invisible offering great ease and comfort to individuals using them. This can significantly have a positive impact and outlook due to superior aesthetics.

How do Invisalign aligners work?

Fabricating Invisalign aligners involves the following steps:

  • Initial consultation and examination.
  • 3D scans of your dentition. 
  • Fabrication of a series of clear trays. 

Each aligner repositions your teeth to the desired alignment. Your dentist may use SmartForce attachments to your teeth before or during your Invisalign treatment. These are small tooth-colored buttons that give your aligners leverage, acting like handles. 

When do dentists recommend Invisalign aligners? 

Invisalign is recommended to treat the following dental issues:

  1. Crowding of teeth
  2. Crooked teeth
  3. Unwanted space between the teeth (diastema)
  4. Overbite
  5. Underbite
  6. Crossbite
  7. Deep bite 

How long does it take Invisalign to work?

The orthodontic procedure through Invisalign aligners usually takes 9 to 18 months to achieve the desired result. You are expected to wear the aligners for 20 to 22 hours, which means you can even sleep wearing them.

What are the benefits of Invisalign?

Invisalign clear aligners offer the following benefits:

  • Provide aesthetic solution since they are transparent when compared to metal braces
  • Removable appliances, thus are very convenient 
  • It is easy to maintain good oral hygiene since they are removable 
  • Minimal irritation to the surrounding structures like gums and cheeks
  • There are no diet restrictions since they can be removed while eating
  • Are less painful
  • Require shorter treatment times 
  • They are made up of FDA-approved plastic that does not contain BP,  latex, or gluten

Invisalign aligners offer a convenient solution for correcting dental imperfections such as misalignment and malocclusion with minimal discomfort and restrictions compared to traditional metal braces. These clear aligners provide numerous benefits, making them an effective choice for achieving a straighter smile.