Perfect Choices for the Best Air Compressors

Known for inflating car tires, the Aviation Compressor Wash Cleaning Solution is also widely used for painting, stripping but also for blowing, stapling or drilling. The air compressor is available in different models and choosing is therefore not easy.

The type of compressor

There are several types of compressors. It is better to know them to choose the one that best suits your needs:

The portable compressor

It is the most purchased model by individuals and by those looking for a compressor that is easy to transport, handy and for home use. Compact and light, it is perfectly suited for small tire inflation jobs, for blowing with a blow gun or for stapling or gluing. Make a visit to harbor freight compressor and you will come up with the best deals now.

The single cylinder compressor

This type of compressor is also very popular, especially for those who work more intensively or for longer periods of time. The power is greater and the volume of the tank is greater. This is either fixed on the chassis or on a wall support.

The twin-cylinder compressor

It is a model that we recommend only if you are a professional. It has a big capacity, a big power and it is much more expensive than the previous models. Some individuals who use a lot of pneumatic tools and who have a workshop may also find it interesting to have this type of tool. It is composed of a motor which will activate several cylinders, as its name suggests.

The size of the tank

You should know that some compressors do not have a tank and therefore they cannot store air. In this case, you will not be able to regulate the air pressure in order to adapt it to the tool.

Air flow

It is expressed in liters per minute. It varies depending on the size of the tank and the force exerted. The more important your work is, the higher is the air flow. For occasional but versatile use, a compressor with an air flow of 150 to 200 liters per minute is great.

For more intensive work, we advise you to choose a compressor with an air flow of at least 300 liters per minute.

User comfort

Depending on your needs, look at the weight, the dimensions of your compressor but also if it is silent, practical to transport and above all, if it is simple to use.


There are 12 V compressors that connect only to the cigarette lighter in your car and others to a 230 V outlet. Here too, your needs will guide you.


You will have the choice between a thermal air compressor and an electric compressor. The latter is cheaper but less practical (since it must be connected) and less powerful. The thermal model is especially suitable for intensive work and for those looking for maneuverability above all.

The price

As with everything, there are compressors at all prices, you can talk to quincy air compressor dealers reno nv. The range is wide: from 40 to 500 euros. For domestic and occasional use, it is not worth ruining yourself. There are very good quality compressors at 40 euros for example. For larger needs, a hundred euros is a good budget. The high-end models are especially suitable for professional uses.