4 Growing Supplies You Need to Grow Quality Weed

There are twenty-two million pounds of marijuana grown each year in the United States. Though it’s not legal in every state yet, it is becoming increasingly accepted and popular throughout the country. People of all age groups enjoy the benefits of marijuana, either medicinally or recreationally.

With so much marijuana being grown, you may consider growing some for yourself. Growing marijuana is a process, and just like with any process, you’ll need to start by gathering your supplies.

Read on to learn four cannabis growing supplies you’ll need to start your growing journey.

  1. Marijuana Seeds

Of course, in order to grow marijuana, you’ll need to acquire the seeds. This is one of the best aspects of growing your own, as you can choose what type of seeds you’d like. Consider what kind of strain you want, most likely based on the effect it causes or its aroma. If you’re a first-time grower, you might also want to consider what strain is the easiest to grow.

However, you’ll want to ensure the quality of the seeds you purchase. You can do so by purchasing them from a reputable site or dispensary, usually by looking up their reviews.

  1. Marijuana Grow Light

The grow light is probably going to be the most expensive and also the most important aspect for your indoor cannabis growing supplies. If you’re worried about increasing your electric bill, choose an LED light, which will hardly affect your bill, and provide the right amount of light for your plant.

Another option is choosing something that is all-in-one, such as a Growbox. Though it may be pricier, they include the grow light, as well as everything else you’ll need to grow your plant successfully. All you need to include are the seeds.

  1. Marijuana Medium

You’ll need to decide what growing medium you want to use, which will most likely be soil. The easiest way to do this is to buy ready-made soil in a bag. There are many different brands to choose from, and most of them also include nutrients that will help your plant flourish.

  1. Marijuana Nutrients

Speaking of nutrients, your plant is going to need some in order to grow healthily. If you use organic soil or high-quality soil, you’ll need a smaller amount of nutrients. A great way to gauge how much nutrients you should use is by seeing how healthy your plants are in the beginning.

If they seem to flourish with a very little amount, stick to that. If you notice your plants having a hard time growing or wilting, consider increasing your nutrient amount.

All the Cannabis Growing Supplies

These are the four basic cannabis growing supplies you’ll need, and acquiring all of these is a great way to get started. It’s probable that you’ll find you’ll need more along the way, but don’t get overwhelmed with the process.

After all, gardening and growing plants are supposed to be relaxing and rewarding. If you’re looking to discover more tips like this, check out more of our articles today!