6 Tips on Removing Splinters Safely for Kids

Removing splinters can be difficult at any age, but especially for kids. Between the tears over the pain and the stress of knowing what to do, it is important to prepare ahead of time for when the situation arises. 

Here are six tips on safely removing splinters for kids.

  1. Check for Infection

If you notice any redness, swelling, or puss in the area around the splinter, the splinter may be infected. Splinters made from organic material, such as wood, are more likely to become infected than those from inorganic material.

In these cases, it is best to contact a physician over trying to remove the splinter yourself.

  1. Observe the Splinter

Before you remove the splinter, it is important to observe the size, depth, location, and direction of the splinter.

If the splinter is deep in the skin or in a location that is specifically sensitive, it is best to consult medical advice before removing the splinter on your own. Large, horizontal splinters on fingers or toes will be the easiest to remove yourself.

3.Clean the Area

Cleaning the splinter area helps prevent any infection upon removal. You should be sure to clean the area before and after removing the splinter.

To clean the area, wash your child’s hand with antiseptic soap and lukewarm water. 

  1. Use the Right Tools

It is best to have a splinter removal kit at the ready in case of a splinter. These kits include two important splinter removal tools: a pair of tweezers and a splinter liberator.

You can make a kit yourself by purchasing a set of small tweezers at a local drugstore and visiting this page to buy a splinter liberator. Be sure to sanitize all your tools before using them.

  1. Use Calming Techniques

If your child is having a particularly difficult time calming down, try one of these calming techniques to soothe their worries:

  1. Have the child lie down with an object such as a hand or stuffed animal on their stomach. Have them focus on the animal moving up and down while they breathe.
  2. Blow cool air on your child’s face and have them copy you by blowing back on your face. The coolness of the breath and the regulated breathing will help calm them down.
  3. Have your child close their eyes and imagine somewhere calming. Have them explain to you what they are seeing around them. 
  1. Other Tricks for Removing Splinters

If all else fails, there are many quick and easy tricks for painless splinter removal without any tools.

One way to do this is by putting tape or glue over the splinter. Another option is using wart removal plasters.

Quick, Easy, and Painless Splinter Removal

Though it can seem hard at first, removing splinters is easy when you are prepared and know the right tricks. Make sure you have the right tools on hand and never be scared to contact a professional if you are unsure.

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