Best diet tips for weight loss!

Many factors can play a role when you go on a diet . For example, you help yourself by exercising regularly, sleeping well and not stressing too much. It is therefore quite right that a great deal of attention is often paid to this. We have prepared some ways to reconfigure and where to start on the path to a healthy relationship with food, and the very first step is your conscious decision to eat right.

But in the end it applies: your nutrition is the most important thing. No matter how well you sleep, the wrong diet will destroy all your progress. 

To lose weight, you often don’t even have to follow extensive nutrition plans . By making your diet meet these 16 ‘rules’, you usually come a long way. Of course, you don’t have to do this all at once: a step-by-step improvement is often more sustainable.

The purpose of these diet tips is that you will not only lose weight, but you will actually feel better. Something that, for example, does not work quickly with a crash diet… A sustainably healthier diet, in other words , with results on the scales.

Eat fewer calories

We have said it many times and keep repeating it. Only by eating fewer calories than you burn can you lose fat . Whether you cut all fats or eat fewer meals per day, the ultimate goal is always to lower your calorie intake.

It is important never to reduce too much. A crash diet is almost impossible to sustain, creates a yo-yo effect and causes severe shortages of certain nutrients. A calorie deficit of up to 20% of your consumption is a suitable rule of thumb.

Eat less added sugars

Added sugars are ‘ empty calories ‘: they provide extra energy , but not actually useful nutrients. Not very efficient, therefore, if you want to eat fewer calories in total. In addition, added sugars increase appetite, making it even more difficult to cut calories. 

Eat more fiber

Fiber is about the opposite of added sugars: it does not provide calories, but it is very filling. Therefore, whenever possible, always opt for wholemeal variants, and eat enough vegetables and legumes . Those are all sources of fiber.

Watch out with ‘natural sugars’

Some products naturally contain sugars. With fruit and dairy, for example , this is not really a problem: they also contain fibers and proteins respectively to compensate for the sugars. However, other ‘ natural sugars ‘ such as honey and date syrup are still pure glucose and fructose. It is therefore better to avoid those too.

Eat more protein

In addition to fiber, proteins are also your best friend for weight loss . Proteins make you feel full. In addition, they help you build muscle tissue. You can find them in animal products such as meat, fish , dairy and eggs. Vegetable sources such as legumes, soy , nuts and whole grains also contain a lot of protein.

Avoid unhealthy fats

Many diets prescribe that you should not eat any fats at all. That is nonsense, but it is better to avoid some fats. This is especially true for trans fats, which are in many processed products. Saturated fat is not a problem in moderate amounts, but try to limit it to 10-15% of your energy intake.

Eat healthy fats

You can then eat unsaturated fats again. They are actually good for your brain and heart, and also give you a quick feeling of satiety. Good sources include fatty fish, olive oil, nuts and avocados .

Eat more vegetable

No, you really don’t have to become a vegan to lose weight. But an occasional day without meat is an easy way to cut calories and saturated fat. Legumes and soy products, for example, are a lot leaner alternatives to get your protein.

Eat more vegetables

One of the – rightly – most frequently heard diet tips: eat as much vegetables as possible. Yes, more than those 250 grams per day. You prefer to fill half your plate with it at every meal. Vegetables provide an insane amount of nutrients, almost no calories, and a lot of fiber. The building block for a healthy diet, therefore.

Eat enough fruit

Unlike vegetables, it is better not to eat fruit unlimited. It contains a lot of fructose, which in extreme quantities can lead to health problems. However, research shows that 2-3 pieces of fruit is good for your health and helps you lose weight.

Drink enough water (or tea and coffee)

Adequate hydration is important for weight loss. Your body sometimes interprets thirst as hunger – causing you to eat more unnecessarily. 2 liters of water per day is approximately the recommended amount. Coffee and tea are also fine (provided they do not contain sugar), but make sure you do not consume an unhealthy amount of caffeine .

Be aware of fats

A small warning: no matter how healthy unsaturated fats are, if you want to lose weight, you cannot eat unlimited amounts. They also provide a lot of calories. Pistachio nuts are healthy, but snacking a whole bag away is not recommended for your diet. The same applies, for example, to large amounts of olive oil dressing.