Finding a Court Reporter: Best Ideas

We feel that you should always expect working with the absolute best court reporters in a profession where accuracy and timeliness are crucial to one’s success. It is crucial in our industry to never accept second best. Additionally, you’ll be dealing with a firm that values your time and reputation while providing you with the best customer service in the industry. With us, you won’t have to worry about becoming “just another name” in a customer database that doesn’t belong to you.

Every single one is hand-picked to ensure only the highest quality.

All of the court reporters associated with Misty Klapper have been subjected to a thorough background check. Our “hand-picked” method is the distinguishing feature that we believe sets us apart from other large court reporting organisations.

Many large, nationwide companies will quickly notify all available court reporters bend in the region by mass e-mail when they get a request for a court reporter. The legal firm that is usually in charge of assigning court reporters to cases has little to no experience with them. They’ve never met the reporter, and they haven’t seen or judged their work. They don’t check the journalist’s references or conduct an interview with them.

You will be giving a deposition in this room. You must also provide your court reporting firm.

There is also the potential that these “one-stop-shop” court reporting organisations do not have a physical facility near to the area where the deposition will be conducted. In practise, this means that if your deposition is being held in Washington, DC, but the court reporting agency is in Portland, OR, your exhibits will have to be transported across the nation twice: once to the Oregon office, and again to the DC client law firm.

It’s easy to see how easily lost exhibits might cause delays, frustration, and rising costs for the law firm and its client. Choosing a court reporter in the D.C. area, in Maryland, or in Virginia greatly reduces the possibility of vital shipments going missing.

It’s in everyone’s best interest to work with a court reporting firm that has its headquarters in the same state or county where the deposition will be held, since this will ensure that the court reporter is well-versed in the local laws and customs. In certain cases, this may be the decisive element in whether or not the deposition transcript may be utilised rather than a new deposition being required.

Find out everything you need to know as soon as possible.

Since we are a very small organisation, you will never have to waste time going through unnecessary channels or guessing who to speak to if you have a question or want an update. Ever.

As a team, we are constantly prepared for any situation.

As any good Boy Scout would, we will always have everything we need to prepare for your deposition or trial. Unlike our experiences with larger organisations, we do not consider preparation and study to be optional for our court reporters.


We focus on the details that bigger organisations often miss. One way we try to save you time and money is by making sure the court reporter always gets the contact information for the attorney who will be acting as your point of contact when you show up for a deposition.