Four Essential Clothes Your Baby’s Closet Must Have

As parents-to-be, the very first thing that will fall apparent onto your eyes is clothes. You would have done a substantial amount of maternity shopping, and it’s time for the big day to arrive. With that said, baby clothes will be next on your list. No doubt that you need to consider several significant factors while buying baby outfits. Before that, you will have to identify the essentials you need considering each phase. For instance, newborns require a different set of clothes when compared to a six-month-old. Further, you must also assess seasonal changes and climatic conditions – make a set of summer and winter wear. 

The Many Types of Baby Clothes

Australia reported the total costs connected to pregnancy and a baby’s first year amounts to $5552 in a recent survey. When stacking your baby’s mini wardrobe, you are likely to consider colours and patterns. However, one cannot overlook the quality of the fabric and the comfort your little one can enjoy. To begin with, you have to sort out clothes that have decorative yet choke hazards. Here is a list of the best must-haves which does not jeopardise safety yet turns out to be the most elegant baby clothes,

1. Onesies

Undeniably, onesies are must-haves, especially if you shop for newborn clothes. Be it the ease to put on or off or diaper changes; one-piece clothing is the best bet. Onesies come with easy button or zipper closures. If this is your first take with baby onesies and you are pretty doubtful about dressing them up, never go for onesies that have to go over the head. Instead, you have versatile options. Onesies with side snaps or a bottom closure are other choices for you.

2. Bodysuits

Bodysuits, best known as sleepwear, can serve your baby’s long, comfy sleep cycle to be even more relaxing. Newborns and babies until the age of five months tend to spend a substantial amount of their time sleeping. It is also said that an undisturbed, good night’s sleep plays a vital role in growth and development. Bodysuits can also double up as exceptional winter wear as they cover the entire body, offer a snug fit and have full sleeves. 

Most bodysuits cover the foot and even come with hoodies, offering optimum warmth. As already said, it is better to pick suits with front zipper closure so you have quick access during diaper changes without spills.

3. PJs and shorts

When your baby starts to overgrow the newborn phase, you will run out of clothes and having a versatile clothing collection is a sensible choice. PJs are comfy and casual and work the best as daywear. When it comes to picking baby shorts or pyjamas, always select a slightly loose-fitting size so that they can grow with your baby. Never choose pyjamas that come with elastics or tight waistlines. On the flip side, you can also shop for some fleece PJs to add to the winter collection. A few pairs of pyjamas and shorts can last until a few months. When you buy baby shorts, be careful in going a size up so that they can outgrow cotton shrinkage.

4. Some sweaters and jackets

If you plan to take your little one on a ride or get some fresh air, you will have to stack a pair of sweaters or baby jackets. Certain unexpected situations like an air-conditioned banquet hall can turn extremely cold for your baby, so always carry a set of sweaters in the carry bag. Do not buy figure-fitting jackets or sweaters as the wool or fleece can turn discomforting after a while. Watch out for metal zips or lines that can harm your child’s skin.