Getting Dental Implants: A Brief Guide to the Benefits and Process

69% of adults 36-44 years old have lost at least 1 permanent tooth. That number jumps up to 12 by age 50. 26% of adults 65-74 years old have lost all their teeth.

Dentures may seem like the only option for lost teeth, but the market for dental implants is worth $3.6 billion. They’re a more convenient alternative that’s easier to care for and lets you eat and speak naturally.

If you want to replace the gaps in your smile, consider this increasingly popular option. Read on to learn what they do, how they work, and why you should get them.

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are a permanent replacement for the roots of failing teeth. They’re typically made of titanium or other strong materials and placed on your gum tissue and jawbone.

Implants can replace one tooth or several and can be temporary or permanent. Most patients with healthy gums and strong jaws are fitting candidates.

If you’re still unsure about dental implants, learn more about what they do here.

What Are the Benefits of Dental Implants?

Most dental implants are permanent and look almost exactly like natural teeth. This improves the look of your smile and your self-esteem.

Implants are more comfortable and convenient than dentures. They don’t have to be removed every time you want to clean them and are cared for much like other teeth.

Dental implants also make it easier to eat and speak. They won’t fall off or shift like dentures or failing teeth.

How Do Dental Implants Work?

A thorough evaluation is necessary before getting dental implants. This means getting X-rays and scans to determine if you’re a candidate. You’ll also get an individual treatment plan.

The first step in the dental implant procedure is extracting any failing teeth. This leaves a hole to place the implant into and prevents you from having to deal with the discomfort they caused.

The next step is placing the root implant into the socket of the missing tooth or teeth. Your gums and jaw will naturally heal around them within the next few weeks.

After that process is complete, the dentist will place a connector post called an abutment onto the implant. This helps hold the new tooth in place.

Finally, a crown is placed over the implant to make it look like a normal tooth. It should be matched to the color of your other teeth to make it practically indistinguishable from the rest.

What Else Should I Know About Dental Implants?

Missing teeth aren’t just for children; they’re also a common issue for adults. Dentures may be the first solution you think of, but they’re not the only one.

Dental implants are a piece of metal that replaces the root of a missing or extracted tooth. They then get covered with an abutment and crown to make them resemble natural teeth.

Many important benefits make implants one of the best tooth-replacement methods on the market today. They’re natural, comfortable, and convenient.

Read the rest of our content to learn more about using dental implants to replace missing teeth.