How do you get rid of the dead skin when you peel from sunburn?

Sunbathing is one of the popular and somewhat most natural ways to get tanned. However, some people got very sensitive skin and easily burned with prolonged exposure to the sun. Sunburn although can be a normal occurrence especially during the summer or when visiting a hot country, it still can be a nuisance to some people. One of the most annoying things would be the aftermath where you got skin peeling off when it’s healing from the sunburn. Always searching for medication for dead skin? Worry not, you can enjoy the sun and deal with the aftermath with these tips and tricks below.

First of all, why you get sunburn or why our skin tanned after prolonged exposure to sunlight? Although it can look appealing, sunburn is actually the result of damaged skin cells due to ultraviolet radiation from the sun. Fairer skin types burned more easily compared to darker skin. They are also more prone to skin cancer, thus prolonged exposure to sunlight is actually not recommended.

The peeling of the skin is actually our body trying to get rid of the dead skin cells. For most people, it started around 3 days after you got the damaged. Other than peeling, sunburn is also painful depending on the degree of the burn. For first degree sunburn, usually appears red and painful to touch, but only affects the topmost layer of the skin which is the epidermis. While second-degree sunburn will appear deep red and is more painful. Some people get swelling and blister with this degree of sunburn which takes longer to heal.

So, what to do when you get sunburn? First, get out of the sun! After you get rid of the source, then only you can start treating. Cool your body with a cold shower or soak yourself in the bath. You can add some cooling bath mixture like aloe vera, but be careful because some bath bombs or mixture can cause further irritation to your skin.

Next, moisturize your skin. Use aloe vera or soy-based product instead of petroleum or oil-based because the latter two can trap heat in your skin and cause worsening of symptoms. Moisturizing also helps with the peeling of the skin. It reduces the flaky appearance and allows your skin to peel off nicely and pain-free. Moisturized skin also heals faster.

Drink plenty of water. Prolonged exposure to the sun can also cause dehydration. Combat this by drinking plenty of plain water, natural juice or infused water. This is also to make sure that your skin is well hydrated, thus heal the burn faster.

It is quite impossible to stay inside or under the shade all the time. Therefore cover yourself with an umbrella or a big hat to avoid further exposure to the sun. Use sunglasses to protect your eyes plus to give you the style. Use a cotton shirt instead of wool or synthetic material because it gives better ventilation while covering your skin at the same time.

You are not advised to peel your skin, but let it happened naturally. The skin doesn’t peel off at the same rate thus this habit can cause skin scarring. It is highly recommended not to get yourself a sunburn because exposure to UV light carries a risk for skin cancer. So put on your sunscreen and SPF lotion and go enjoy the sun!