It’s almost impossible to have a good eye for a samurai sword if you’re not born and bred as a Japanese ninja. However, the good news is you don’t have to be a ninja to own a katana today. You only have to go online, search and buy anyone that tickles your fancy. But, will this be the right thing to do when shopping for a Samurai sword? Absolutely No!

The Samurai sword is an iconic sword with a profound and heroic antecedent. It’s not just something to buy online without having an understanding of what to watch out for. Hence, this article will point you in the right direction. Should you have to select a Samurai Sword, here are crucial things to watch out for:

  • Steel Quality

Don’t be deceived by the shiny appearances of stainless steel posing as samurai swords online; a Katana is much more than that. It’s made from a blend of heavy and soft metal or, better still, high carbon metal. Japanese swordsmiths understand the relevance of the Katana in that it’s not to pass as an ordinary blade; hence, it’s made from the most refined metal known as Tamagahane. Also, note that the Katana is a slender curved blade without a sharp blade point.

Photo via: Global Gear

  • Design

Katana comes in different designs as inspired by the Samurai soul who is to wield it. This explains why when the owner of the sword dies, he’s buried alongside the sword. You should give immense consideration to the designs you want to buy, and you should be at liberty to provide specifications on how you want the blade to be designed. The idea is to get a personalized sword, and a specially made katana for you is the surest bet.

  • Hilt

Traditionally, the katana’s hilt is the Tsuka, which is wood covered by ray skin. Also twisted around the hilt is a rope that makes a diamond impression around the area. The hilt is one of the most important parts to watch out for apart from the blade. A low-quality hilt will only dampen the potential of the entire sword. This is why you should go for the best quality hilt design. The hilt comes in modern designs; some are made of leather, rayon, or synthetic materials. The choice is yours to choose the best type that appeals to you.

  • Hand made

A samurai sword is unlike other swords forged by machines. It is a reputable sword made from the heat of a forgery, and its blade is crafted after a furnace melts its metal. This is why it is quite challenging to get genuinely hand-crafted samurai swords. Except you buy an auctioned heirloom, the chances of purchasing an authentic samurai sword are slim.

  • Big budget

An original Katana would cost a fortune. For obvious reasons, the sword is bound to be an expensive masterpiece, and that’s why it is a luxury commodity reserved only for the wealthy. However, some replicas can be found and purchased online, especially if your budget is low. These replicas are almost like the authentic katanas but are not the real ones. If you badly need to own a katana, opting for these types is not a bad idea.

There’s a lot of considerations to be made to own a Katana. Apart from the fact that your pocket must be enormous, you also need to pay attention to selecting the right sword. Every bit of information available on this page will guide you to purchase a good samurai Katana. Make sure to follow the guide to the letter.