How to Achieve Peak Productivity in Your Home Office

Working from home is becoming more and more common. Many changes wrought by the pandemic seem to be permanent, meaning that many of us have the opportunity to spend at least some of our working hours at home. However, working from home efficiently takes preparation. Here are five tips for maximizing your productivity while working in a home office:

Define Your Space

If you’re like many of us, you started your home office experience working from your kitchen table or your sofa. Now that this setup is here to stay, it’s time to define your workspace. Start with the big stuff. Do you need a desk? Do you need a space for regular video conferences? What items do you need ready access to? Do you have kids or other people at home during work hours? Create a checklist of what you need using answers to these and other similar questions to help you expressly demarcate space in your home dedicated to work.

Get the Right Equipment

Quality office machines in Anchorage, AK, are critical to getting in a good day’s work. You’ll need a reliable computer with a good keyboard and monitor as well as a multi-function printer/copier that will allow you to print, copy, scan, and fax from one machine. You’ll also need a solid internet connection that’s fast and consistent. Headphones are also helpful to hear your coworkers better during conference calls and keep out distractions at home. They should also have a good microphone so your clients and coworkers can hear you clearly as well.

Get Comfortable

You don’t need bean bag chairs and plush furniture to be comfortable at work, though if that’s what you want, go for it. Comfortable chairs, desks, and other furniture will increase your productivity and allow you to stay focused longer. Other comforts such as music speakers, green plants, a mini-fridge, and a coffee maker close at hand can also boost your sense of well-being at work. The better you feel, the harder you’ll work.

Don’t Forget the Details

Small things can make a big difference. As you create your home workspace, fill it with details that matter to you. Good pens, attractive charging cables, paper trays, and other office accouterments will help you personalize your space and make it feel special and separate from the rest of your home. A purposeful home office makes it much easier to go to work and stay at work even when work is right outside your bedroom door. As an extra hint, consider relegating these items to your office only. For example, leave your office phone charger in the office. You’ll always know it’s there when you need it, and you’ll add additional separation between work and home.

It’s a privilege to work from home. Make your working hours more productive by creating a space that’s just for work.