How to Play Paintball: 3 Tips for Beginners

Who says running or lifting weights is the only way to get exercise? Paintball is a fun way to get moving, get outside, and get steps in! In fact, you can burn 420 calories an hour playing paintball!

So what are you waiting for? Continue reading below to learn how to play paintball.

What Is Paintball?

Paintball is a game that involves two teams. Each team is armed with paintball guns or markers. Paintball guns use compressed air to fire gelatin capsules filled with non-toxic, water-soluble dye.

If you are struck by a paintball, it will usually explode, leaving a splatter of dye. If this happens you are required to leave the field of play.

Play It Safe

Paintballs are fired at around STAT mph. If they hit your bare skin, they leave nasty bruises or break the skin. A paintball to the eye is a trip to the emergency room, with the potential for partial or full blindness. Before playing paintball, make sure you have the proper protective equipment.


Your most important piece of equipment is a mask. A paintball mask is designed to protect your face and head from flying paintballs. There are lots of varieties, some that allow for better breathability and vision and some that cover your whole head.


While playing paintball, it is a good idea to cover as much skin as possible, so pants, not shorts are best. Tactical pants can spare you from large welts, bruises, or scabs.


Jerseys don’t necessarily offer protection, but they help differentiate and consolidate the teams. This way you don’t accidentally shoot your own teammate.

How to Play Paintball

Paintball is straightforward. You want to shoot the other team, while not getting shot yourself.

Whether you are playing a capture the flag version of paintball, fort assualt, deathmatch, or speedball, there are a few tips that apply to any paintball scenario.

1) Use Cover

No matter if you are playing at an indoor field, outdoor field, or in the woods, there will be cover. It may be in the form of big inflatables or trees; either way, use cover to protect yourself from fire as you advance on the other team. Being out in the open is a poor strategy.

2) Learn to Aim

Firing willy-nilly at the other team works sometimes. However, it is not as effective as learning to aim. If you can aim, you will hit your target every time and be a formidable opponent. Likewise, if you can aim, you will waste less ammo and last longer in the game.

Make sure your target practice is done with the gun you plan to use during the game; a different gun might aim and shoot differently. Click for more Maddog guns that come with a scope and will do wonders for your aim.

3) Cover Fire

As you try to advance toward the other team, be sure to cover fire. This means you should be shooting at the opponent, keeping them from shooting at you, while you move to a new position. Your teammates will thank you for this one.

Getting Started

Paintball is not only a fun team-building activity—it is a great way to get exercise! It usually takes one trip to your local paintball field to learn how to play paintball and be hooked. If this sounds like you, be sure to check out the paintball gear listed above.

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