How to Prepare for Unexpected Events: A Guide for Survivalists

These days, it’s more important than ever to be prepared for anything. It’s hard to predict what could be coming around the corner, but there are some steps you can take to make sure you’re ready for any type of unexpected event.

Whether you want to know how to survive the end of the world or the next storm, you can learn valuable tips from the growing survivalist community.

Read on for the survivalist’s guide to prepping for beginners.

How to Prepare for Unexpected Events

First, let’s unpack some myths around prepping. You might be picturing bunkers and a zombie apocalypse, but life-threatening situations can show up in many forms.

You could lose your job, get into a car accident, or even experience a home invasion. Plus, with more natural disasters happening now than ever, the chances of being caught in a devastating storm are getting higher and higher.

Prepping for the unexpected is a rational step to take to make sure you’re physically, mentally, and financially prepared for sudden changes, whether it’s worldwide or just in your life.

Step One: Establish Financial Security

If you’re laid off or there’s a long-term economic downfall, you’ll want some money tucked away to fall back on. Start saving a manageable percentage of your paycheck now so that you can put it into an account that doesn’t get touched unless there’s an emergency.

Another hallmark survivalist tool is to keep cash stowed away. If the bank system crumbles or power outrages make credit and debit cards unusable, a backup cash supply will sustain you.

Step Two: Gather Extra Supplies

You should also have a bulk supply of basic items that you can live on when the apocalypse inevitably causes shortages.

Keep extras of these items on hand at all times:

  • Water: buy a gallon every couple of grocery trips to store away
  • Food: buy extra canned and non-perishable items
  • Gas: keep extra gas cans on hand so you can fuel your car at a moment’s notice
  • Flashlights and lanterns: be prepared for power outages with battery operated light sources
  • Batteries: keep a stash of different types of batteries for emergencies
  • Backup generators: a must for long-term power outages

Step Three: Pack Your Bags

Now that your home is prepared in case you need to hunker down, you should also think about the possibility of needing to leave your house with no warning.

Keep some of your extra water, food, flashlights, and batteries in a bag in your car.

Invest in a trekker kettle from, so you can make any water safe to drink while you’re away from home.

Pack a bag of clothes and toiletries for each family member. You should have at least enough clothes for 72 hours, with rain jacks and a pair of sturdy hiking boots for everyone. Also include pillows, blankets, and towels.

For shelter, have a tent and sleeping bags ready to go.

A survival knife, fire-starting materials, and a few basic cooking tools are also necessary.

Prepared for Anything

Use these survivalist tips to ensure you and your family are safe and have the provisions you need. With some planning and strategic moves, you’ll be much more prepared to face any kind of unexpected events.

When the time comes, you’ll be extremely thankful for the effort your put in before it was needed.