Spice Things Up: 4 Sex Tips for Women

Out of all the women in long-term relationships, 42% say they’re not satisfied with their sex lives. While this can boil down to having a poor partner in bed, it can also be due to things on the women’s side, such as poor self-esteem.

If you fall into either category, then you might be wondering what you can do to improve your sex life. That way, not only can you enjoy better times between the sheets, but also, you can bump up the frequency too!

Read on for 4 sex tips for women you need to know.

1. Masturbate More

One of the best sex tips for women is to masturbate more. You’d be surprised at just how many women don’t know what turns them on, and they expect their partners to!

If you masturbate, not only can you figure out what revs your engine, but you can also blow off some steam. And when it comes time to get down and dirty, you can give your significant other a show that’s as educational as it is sexy!

2. Practice Mindfulness

This is a great tip that can help things both in and outside of the bedroom. If you’re able to practice mindfulness regardless of the situation, you’ll be more present in your relationship. And as a result, the bond with your SO will grow stronger.

Once you’ve mastered mindfulness outside of sex, it’ll be easier to be tuned in when you jump in between the sheets. That way, you won’t be stuck in your head with anxious thoughts.

3. Nurture the Emotional Connection

On that note, you should nurture the emotional connection you have with your SO. They say that the brain is the largest sex organ, so if you can tap into that, you’ll have some incredible sex!

Take the time to touch your partner, such as caressing and cuddling. Do note that these things don’t necessarily have to lead to sex, but it can be a big plus if they do!

4. Consider Vaginal Rejuvenation

Has age and/or childbirth affected how you feel about your body? More specifically, do you worry about things not being as tight as they used to be?

While your partner might not be able to tell the difference, your anxiety over this subject might put a damper on things in the bedroom. But vaginal rejuvenation can help!

Not only can this procedure tighten things up, but it can also help with menopause symptoms. It’s a win-win situation!

Use These Sex Tips for Women for a Better Time

These sex tips for women will have you in between the sheets and feeling out of this world before you know it. When you can love the skin you’re in, then you’ll find the question of “how to have better sex” flying out the window. You’ll be a monster in the sack without even trying!

So give these female sex tips a try and your significant other will appreciate what a wonderful partner you are.

For more on women’s health, check out our other blog posts!