Your Everything-to-Know Guide to Finding Your Soul Mate

If we look at the romantic genre in cinematography, art, and literature, the term ‘soul mate’ refers to a person to that you feel connected on a profound level. It’s a person you want to grow old with, who loves you unconditionally, and sees you for who you truly are, through all the walls you put up.

So, of course, you are hoping, even longing, to encounter such an individual! With this everything-to-know guide to finding your soul mate, you can set yourself on the path of meeting your true love.

Connect with yourself first

Being true to yourself can mean a lot of things. For some, it’s starting a hobby or activity they like where they will meet new people and maybe their soul mate. For others, it’s volunteer work, sports, or clubbing. Before you expect someone else to know and understand you, you have to give yourself the same courtesy.

Meditate, talk to a psychotherapist, go to a spa, get a tantric massage, and take care of your physical health. It will help you clear your head, build self-esteem and show you how remarkable you are. Loving yourself will open you up to others without fear of being hurt or demanding to be loved. When you discover your identity, it will be more comfortable to show others who you are and have deep relationships.

Have realistic expectations

While we tend to have an idea of our perfect someone, that should be what guides us to find our soul mate. Most likely, you will end up with a soul mate that’s the complete opposite of that. A soul mate is not perfection, it’s a person that perfectly complements your personality and you theirs.

You should still know what you want, just be realistic with your expectations. A relationship needs compromise, work, and effort besides love and affection, so keep that in mind too. Having chemistry is great and it can be fun, but if a relationship is not stable or satisfying, that person is most likely not your soul mate.

Give matchmaking a shot

In the era of social media and dating apps, meeting someone has lost its personal touch. So, maybe it’s time to try traditional matchmaking that has been present in the global culture for thousands of years. Regardless of the type of relationship and where, for example looking for gay matchmaking in New York or marriage prospects in Sydney, the principle is the same.

Matchmaking agencies use algorithms that pair your interests and values with someone else’s, and propose you meet in person. Speed dating is also an option although that relies more on your judgment than carefully prepared questionnaires.

Take your time

In 1966, a female singing group The Supremes recorded their song “You Can’t Hurry Love” about a mother advising her daughter to have patience when looking for a soul mate. Just like the daughter in this song, you should also take your time and not settle.

It’s okay to date in the meanwhile without any expectations or to stay single if you are exhausted from your previous relationships. Dating should be something that will fill you with excitement and joy, so look for your soul mate at your own pace. Not only that you can’t hurry love, but you can’t make someone be your soul mate — they either are or are not.

Invest in a person that likes you just the way you are

If you spend your energy on every person that comes your way as though they are your true love, you will only get tired and disappointed. A person you should consider your soul mate will like you as a whole package. They will not try to control you and shape you into an idea they have of you, nor will you do the same to them.

A successful relationship depends on respect and compromise to overcome differences, as well as willingness to accept and understand them. When we talk about a soul mate it may seem like we are describing a magical creature. Both people in a relationship have to make an effort for the soul mate concept to work.

In the end

Even with the help of this everything-to-know guide to finding your soul mate, you will still have to trust yourself and your judgment the most. It won’t be easy and it may take time, but be open to new possibilities, like matchmaking, and don’t give up. Remember that your true love is out there, looking for you as well.