Taking Pet Vacations: How to Keep Your Pet Calm on the Journey

So many people travel with their four-legged friends these days. This stems from how much pet owners love their furry companions.

Would you love to take pet vacations and travel with your pet? If so, you should learn how to keep them calm on the journey. That means making some preparations ahead of your holiday.

Pets can be excellent travel companions if you know how to make the trip as smooth as possible. So if you’re planning to go somewhere and bring your dog, cat, bunny, or fish, there are a few tips you should keep in mind.

Check out this article to learn how to keep your pet calm on the journey.

Pet-Friendly Location

The first thing you need to do to help keep your pet calm and comfortable during a vacation is to choose a pet-friendly location. This will help them feel more at ease and allow them to explore.

Fortunately, there are many destinations that can be pet-friendly, having lots of activities and amenities for your furry friend.

Some many websites and resources can help you find the perfect pet-friendly vacation spots when you’re traveling with dogs or any pets.

Preventing Pet Anxiety

If you are taking your pet on vacation with you, there are some things you can do to ensure you’re keeping them calm and composed. First, make sure your pet is well-trained and has a good recall. This will help if your pet gets loose on vacation.

Secondly, pack a travel kit for your pet that includes all necessary items, such as food, water, bowls, a leash, toys, and bedding. This will help your pet feel comfortable and home in a new environment.

Finally, try to plan your travel around your pet’s needs. If your pet is older or has car anxiety, long car rides or plane trips may not be the best option.

Whatever type of pet anxiety they may have, you can prepare for it with some planning.

Comfort on the Road

The best way to ensure that your pet is comfortable during a long road trip is to get them used to your car before the trip. Take them on short drives around the block to familiarize them with the car’s movement.

Pack their favorite toys and blankets to help them feel comfortable and safe. Make sure to take plenty of stops along the way so they can stretch their legs and relieve themselves.

Most importantly, remain calm and reassuring throughout the journey. This will help your pet stay relaxed and happy too. If your pet is prone to anxiety, consider asking your veterinarian for advice on how to keep them calm during travel.

Feeding and Drinking

Try feeding your pet a small meal before the journey, and bring along some water for them to drink. If they need to go to the bathroom, make sure to stop and let them out frequently. Keep them close to you during the trip, so they feel comfortable and safe.

Also, remember to pack your pet’s favorite food and water bowls, as well as enough food and water for the journey. It’s also a good idea to bring along some treats, like dog CBD gummies and toys, to keep your pet occupied and calm during the trip.


One of the best things you can do for your four-legged friend during a vacation is to have all the supplies ready, from their food to their favorite bedtime toy.

If you’re ever in an emergency situation with your pet, always keep them calm and collected. Try to evacuate the area quickly and safely, and if possible, bring them with you to the hospital or vet.

Stops and Leg Stretches

When planning your itinerary, make sure you schedule specific times when you stop to make leg stretches and have short, quick walks. The exercise will help dissipate all that nervous energy.

It’s also important to remember that giving your pets time to stretch out during a trip isn’t only good for their comfort but also for their health.

Like people, animals can also develop deep vein thrombosis, a condition characterized by a blood clot that has formed in their deep veins after significant periods of inactivity.

Besides, they’ll probably want to sniff some fresh air, which can do much in terms of keeping them calm. Soon, you will find your pet enjoying your trip even before you’ve reached your destination.

Something Familiar

Perhaps one of the best ways to keep your pet calm during a trip is by bringing something familiar they like back home. This could be their blanket or pillow or anything that brings them comfort when they smell it.

If you bought your dog a travel bed, get her familiar with it a few weeks before your trip. If your dog is most crate trained, you should consider bringing that crate with you to keep them comfortable.

Stay Mutually Safe, Happy, and Calm on Pet Vacations

Planning the perfect pet vacation doesn’t have to be difficult as long as you keep to the essentials of fun and safe travels. Of course, we’re not only talking about you, pet owner, but more importantly, your four-legged friend.

There’s no denying that keeping pets calm in a new environment can be a challenge, but nothing you can’t handle with a few essential tips and tricks. By keeping to this article, having a relaxed pet companion can be easier, wherever your pet vacations take you.

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