The ABCs of RVs: A Guide to Recreational Vehicle Storage

There’s nothing more peaceful than traveling up the mountains for the weekend in your RV. You can participate in some serious glamping and connect with nature simultaneously.

When you return home, however, peace may be the last thing on your mind. Where (and how) on Earth are you supposed to store this massive vehicle? Below, we’ve assembled a comprehensive guide on recreational vehicle storage so that you can always have a peaceful homecoming experience.

Where to Store an RV: Deciding on the Perfect Spot

An essential aspect of owning an RV is deciding on a good temporary housing solution for when you’re at home. When you’re not using your vehicle to explore the world, it needs an adequate resting spot.

One of the best places you can store your RV is at a reputable RV storage facility. These facilities are in the business of providing ideal conditions for recreational vehicle storage. They regulate the storage’s temperature, implement effective pest control solutions, and provide ample security to ensure your vehicle doesn’t sustain damage.

Keep in mind that RV storage isn’t cheap. Facilities can charge anywhere between $50 and $200 per month for an RV storage spot.

Alternatively, you can store your vehicle on your property. You’ll need to ensure it’s legal in your particular area and neighborhood. Or, you could ask your neighbors, family, or friends if you can use extra space on their property to store your vehicle. Just ensure that everyone’s on the same page regarding the details of your vehicle’s storage (how long it’ll be there, if you’ll pay them, etc.).

How to Store an RV: Best Tips to Follow

Have you just bought your vehicle from a reputable company (like these RV wholesalers)? Even if it’s in tip-top condition when you receive it, you shouldn’t store it carelessly. Here are a few effective tips for storing your RV to make it adventure-ready:

Ramp Up Security

Wherever you decide to store your vehicle, make sure to do a thorough security check before you let it sit. Remove all your valuables, including cash and jewelry, and lock all the doors and windows before you leave. Consider investing in insurance plans for extra peace of mind.

Be Mindful of Your Tires

A heavy RV will place a lot of unnecessary strain on your tires. If possible, try to remove any excess weight from your vehicle. You can go the extra mile by placing your vehicle on blocks if you plan to leave it idle for a long period.

Try to take your vehicle for a spin every couple of months to ensure it stays in operating condition.

Drain All the Fluids Out

You don’t want to return to your RV to find unsightly leaks and water damage. Avoid this issue by flushing out your water heater, plumbing system, and water tanks.

If you live in an area with harsh winters, consider winterizing your RV. If you’ve ever winterized your home, winterizing your RV is pretty similar. Add some antifreeze to waste tanks, piping, and valves to prevent leftover water from freezing and damaging your vehicle’s plumbing systems.

Final Thoughts — Perfecting Your Recreational Vehicle Storage

Recreational vehicle storage may seem like a confusing process to take on, especially if you’re new to RV ownership. But as long as you follow the tips we’ve outlined here, you’ll be able to store your vehicle safely and with peace of mind!

If you’ve found this RV owner’s guide helpful, be sure to check out other articles on our site for additional adventure tips!