Top Ways to Display and Store Your Antique Toy Collection

Have you started an antique toy collection and you want to be sure your pieces stay in top condition? Collections are meant to be enjoyed, but there is often value attached to the pieces so you want to be sure they don’t degrade while in your possession. And when it comes to an antique toy collection, some pieces may already be in a fragile stage, so display and storage considerations should be a top priority.

Here’s a look at some of the ways you can display and store your antique toy collection in your home.

Open Shelving – Ideal for Packaged Toys

If much of your toy collection is in packaging, storage can be a little less stressful. You don’t have to worry about dust getting on the actual toy since it’s still in the package. Open shelving can work great for these collections, allowing you to stack, layer or make individual rows of the pieces. For anyone who has a variety of toy categories, collections and pieces, it’s a good idea to group similar ones together. This just keeps things a bit more organised.

Closed Shelving Protects Toys from the Elements

Not every toy is in its original package when you collect it, and if that’s the case, preserving it needs to be the top priority. Closed shelves such as glass cases work well in this case. You’ll still be able to see the items, but they will be safely protected from the dust that builds up. Some toys are more fragile than others, and for those, you may want to consider a cabinet or shelving system with doors that block out the sunlight.

Floating Shelves for Tight Spaces

Running low on space? Don’t have room for large shelving systems? In this case, floating shelves can be a great option. These won’t take up any floor space and can be installed close to the ceiling. If you have a house with tall ceilings, you may even be able to run two levels worth of floating shelves.

Consider the Climate in Your Home

Did you know the climate in your home will also affect how well you’re able to preserve your toy collection? Keeping your collection in a room that has low humidity and little to no sunlight is always recommended. If you can’t block the sunlight, it’s a good idea to apply a UV coating to the window as protection.

Keep Track of the Value of Your Toys

It’s also a good idea to keep track of the value of your collection. Rather than taking a guess, you’ll want to use specific tips for valuing your antique toys that look at the type of toy, the age, the condition, if it’s in original packaging, the quality of the material, whether they are missing any pieces, and so forth. Knowing the value helps you as you buy and sell pieces, making sure you get a fair deal.

Using these tips to display and store your antique toy collection means you’ll be able to keep them in great shape for many years to come.