Top Ways to Use Your Essential Oils. 


When it comes to essential oils, everyone knows how to put them in a diffuser and reap the benefits. But did you know that there are more ways to use essential oils that will benefit you and your loved ones significantly? Essential oils’ beneficial characteristics stem from their anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antimicrobial properties.

Essential oils have been used by hundreds of people for thousands of years. They’ve been used for a variety of purposes, including aromatherapy, emotional support, cleaning, and even natural recuperation.

When using essential oils, one thing to keep in mind is that you should never apply them as it is, because it has strong properties that can cause skin irritation. However, because everyone’s tolerance for the solvents included in essential oils varies, it is best to dilute them with a carrier oil before applying. So, when you have your pick of essential oil from Young Living, do not forget to look into carrier oils. 

You use a carrier oil to dilute an essential oil. Carrier oils are neutral and safe, so they are a great choice to dilute your essential oils before using them. Almond oil, jojoba oil, olive oil, and shea butter are some of the best options. Because people have different feelings about essential oils, there is no real criterion for dilution. In general, one drop of essential oil to one teaspoon of carrier oil is a good starting point. This will give you a solution with a strength of about 1%. After that, you can adjust the amount of essential oil to fit your tolerance and preferences.

Using Essential Oils for Cleaning

  1. Gummy stuck-on disasters can be melted with lemon or other citrus essential oils. To get gum out of hair or the skin, use a couple of drops. Tree sap from equipment and damp label detritus from containers can be removed with just a few drops.
  2. Citrus essential oils are also excellent for drying non-porous grounds and removing permanent markers.
  3. Spiders are repulsed by peppermint oil. If there is a spot where they tend to hang around, put a few drops of oil on a cotton ball and place it there.
  4. Keep the ants out! Make a spray with 1 cup of water and 5 drops of peppermint oil. Spray into cracks where you see them coming in.
  5. Add a drop of essential oil to the filter on the exit wall when you change your suitcase filters in your HVAC system. The oils will keep your entire home cool.
  6. Eucalyptus Oil is a fantastic cleaner. Make a powerful cleaning spray by combining it with tea tree oil. In a spray bottle, add four drops of each to one cup of heated liquid. When you use it to get rid of mildew, you’ll be sterilizing and deodorizing at the same time.
  7. Combine lemon and tea tree essential oils with safe water to make a natural disinfectant and cleanser. Use in a spray bottle to dry hard, non-porous grounds without using harsh chemicals.
  8. If you or someone in your household smokes, add tea tree oil, eucalyptus oil, and rosemary oil to simmer water in a spray jar to get rid of the smoky smell. When needed, spray the air with a natural deodorant.
  9. Before you start your dishwasher, add a drop or two of lemon essential oil. This will provide a spot-free rinse, keeping your dishes gleaming.

Essential oils, as you can see, have more uses than just dripping in your diffuser for aromatherapy. So, get your oil from Young Living today, and experiment with it to see what else it can do to improve your life. And always remember to get a good quality oil to see the full potential of these oils.