What Are the Different Types of Breast Implants That Exist Today?

Breast implants are a great option for women who are looking to boost their confidence. But, there are many types of breast implants to choose from, and finding the right implant for you can be confusing.

It could very well be one of the hardest choices you’ll ever make. If you’re hoping to choose implants that suit your lifestyle and body type, then read on and we’ll give you the rundown on each type before you decide.

Silicone Breast Implants

Many women choose silicone implants because they are less likely to leak and feel more natural. Today, these breast implants are gel enclosed in a shell of silicone. The gel feels and moves like natural breast tissue, and the implant is less likely to leak than earlier generations of silicone implants.

These are available in a variety of sizes and shapes and are above or below the chest muscle. The downside to silicone implants is that they are more likely to cause capsular contracture. It is a condition where the scar tissue around the implant hardens and squeezes the implant, causing pain and making the breast look and feel hard.

Saline Breast Implants

Saline breast implants are a less popular type of implant than silicone. But some women prefer this when it comes to their price since they are less expensive and they also offer a more natural look and feel. These implants are full of a sterile saltwater solution, which is like the fluid that makes up most of the human body.

Additionally, they are less likely to rupture and these signs can cause more wrinkling of the skin and may need more frequent touch-ups. But, the good thing is it is a safe option for many women’s optimal health as the body absorbed the saline and will not cause any harm.

Composite Breast Implants

Composite breast implants are silicone shells filled with a combination of saline and silicone gel. They are the least popular type of breast implant, as they are the most expensive and have a higher risk of leaking than other types of implants.

They also have a more natural feel and can be used in a variety of breast augmentation procedures. Composite implants are available in a variety of sizes and shapes and can be customized to meet each patient’s individual needs. They are also very durable and last much longer than other types of implants.

A Guide for Different Types of Breast Implants Today for Your Needs

Breast implants are safe, and reliable and have been used for many years to increase breast size and improve breast shape. If you are considering doing implants, it is important to know the different types of breast implants that are available today.

Your implant choice should be based on your personal goals and preferences. Be sure to discuss all your options with your surgeon to make sure you choose the best implant type for you.

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