What are the Uses of Flowers?

Who in the world could turn down flowers? It is amazing how a single flower can brighten someone’s day. Flowers are not only given on valentine’s days. They can be given any day without a special occasion. They can also come in a potted plant that not only can beautify the exterior of the house, but also decorate the room in your home. There are many types of flowers out there that you can care for, ranging from unique foliage to flowers with brightly colored petals. But, do you know that flowers have other benefits apart from being a token of your love or a mere room decoration? Just consider the following 10 benefits or uses of flowers and plants overall as gift delivery Singapore.

1. Helps Relaxation

Just looking at a flower, whether in a bouquet, vase, or pot with purple or pink petals can stimulate the release of the adrenaline and endorphin hormone or the happy hormone. In this way, the energy will increase and the oxygen flows to the brain increases, helping you relax. The fragrance of the flowers, like rose and lilies, also help you be more relaxed.

2. Natural Humidifier

A humidifier is an air purifier that is usually placed in the house. This tool can help humidify the air and reduce irritation in those with allergic symptoms to the respiratory tract. This tool is a must-have in homes with dry air.

Now, instead of buying a humidifier kit, it’s a good idea to have several types of plants that are clinically proven to humidify the air. Some plants which are perfect for this are Peace Lily and Boston Ferns plant.

They can humidify the room through the process of transpiration. So when the pores under the leaves get warm, the plant will then release water which can humidify the air.

3. Has Healing Power

According to research from the National Institutes of Health, the aloe vera plant was known as a “perennial plant” in ancient Egyptian civilization and was often used to heal wounds. Meanwhile, modern society uses aloe vera to heal burns or sunburns by rubbing it directly into the skin. The aloe vera flowers also have similar benefits. They are also rare and valued more.

4. To Inspire

When you need the inspiration to be creative, don’t hesitate to place a table flower or potted plant next to your desk. According to Justin Hancock, a gardener from Costa Farms Croton, the colorful flowers and leaves can inspire and energize his surroundings. You can surely try this by yourself in your own space. It is rather a very easy and cheaper way to be inspired.

5. Reduce Allergies

If you suffer from influenza in the rainy season or dry air, spider plants can help you relieve the pain. Its thin, pointed leaves can absorb allergens (such as dust), and within two days, it can reduce nearly 90 per cent of indoor toxins. If you or your loved ones have an allergy to flowers, some flowers have anti-allergy properties. Flowers like carnations are safe for those who have pollen allergies. You may want to stay away from too fragrant flowers like lilies.

6. Can Clean The Air

If you want to test whether the air you breathe in your house is clean and healthy, then place an English ivy plant. According to researchers from NASA, this plant is the number one air filter because it effectively absorbs formaldehyde, which is one of the air pollutants. Like the English Ivy plant, Gerbera daisy and pot mum flowers also help clean the air.

7. Gives Energy Intake

Red is known to stimulate enthusiasm in a person. For example, increasing appetite and increasing energy. For that, don’t hesitate to plant plants with red leaves or flowers such as roses or red aglaonema plants. Tuberose flower and eucalyptus leaves will also refresh you with their scent. Try to include these in your table flower arrangements. If you are looking for flowers and gift delivery Singapore, you can visit the Floweradvisor sg website.

8. Increase Concentration

Research conducted by the Royal College of Agriculture states that students whose classrooms have flowers and plants have a 70 per cent greater focus. There are several types of plants that can increase concentration, but the bamboo plant is believed to provide enthusiasm as well as positive feng shui values. Orchid flowers are also believed to bring luck to whoever has them. If you are looking for some orchids to give to your loved ones, go and visit floweradvisor sg.

9. Reduce Stress

According to research from the Journal of Environmental Psychology, plants with flowers such as Peace lily and pot mum flowers are believed to reduce stress levels. Now you can put these potted plants in every room to test their effectiveness. You can also put table flower arrangements on your desk. Try to include lavender, eucalyptus or tuberose flowers in the arrangements. They are widely known to help you calm down and get your inner peace back. The fragrance will refresh you and reduce your stress as well. Floweradvisor sg have many table flower arrangements collection for you to choose.

10. Soothing Eyes

Many people believe that the pothos plant can make your eyes cool and relax when your eyes are irritated or tired, such as staring at a computer screen for hours). This type of plant is also believed to prevent eye diseases such as glaucoma and cataracts.

Those are the ten uses of flowers and plants that you might not have heard before.  Hopefully, this reading can encourage you to get some flowers and plants for you and your loved ones. You can look for the flowers in your local florist, or you can visit floweradvisor as your trusted flower and gift delivery Singapore service.