3 Easy Vape Tricks for Beginners to Master

Almost 10% of all American adults admit to vaping regularly. But if you’re just now learning how to vape, you might be wondering how to master vape tricks for beginners.

Dying to have a few simple vape tricks up your sleeves?

Luckily for you, there are several beginner-friendly vape tricks you can learn today. Read on for three easy vape tricks for beginners to master now.

1. The Ghost Vape Trick

For the uninitiated, this trick is also nicknamed the “mushroom cloud” or the “snap inhale.” All that you have to do is blow out a fat vapor cloud and suck it back in rapidly. This is one of the best beginner tricks in the book.

First, take a big inhale from your favorite vape device. Next, let it sit in your mouth for several seconds. Then, push it out in a giant ball of smoke.

Pro tip: Try this trick alone to get the hang of it. Once you’ve mastered these three simple steps, you should be vaping like a pro!

2. The Dragon Vape Trick

For this easy trick, start by taking a long, deep drag from your vaping device.  But have no fear – this doesn’t necessarily have to be the biggest vape inhale that you’ve ever taken in your life.

When you’re ready, push your vapor cloud through your nasal passages. In addition to this, blow out a little smoke through the corners of your mouth and the middle of your lips. While this may feel uncomfortable at first, you’ll get used to it soon enough.

The goal is to get at least four vapor streams from one big exhale. If you’re still having a hard time, it doesn’t hurt to look at the YouTube tutorial either!

3. The French Inhale Vape Trick

Last but not least, there’s the French inhale vape trick. Also nicknamed the “Irish waterfall,” this slightly more skilled trick is centered around breathing in vapor from your mouth through your nostrils. Here’s how to get started.

The first step is to inhale a fat cloud of vapor, keeping it in your throat area for several seconds. The next step is to exhale and let your vapor smoke slowly seep out of your mouth. Here comes the hard part: Inhaling your vapor through your nostrils.

The end goal of this simple trick is to make the smoke pouring out of your mouth look like an upside-down waterfall. Even though this might take a few tries to get it right, you’ll be sure to impress your vape-loving friends before you know it!

On the hunt for the best vape smoke shop?

If so, then do yourself a favor and check out this site: https://granitevapor.com/gig-harbor/.

Take It Easy With Easy Vape Tricks

Ready to take it easy with these easy vape tricks? When it comes to the best vaping tricks on the web, we’ve got you covered.

Want to learn more vaping tips online? If yes, please feel free to take a look at the rest of our blog today!