Is it Worth it to Invest in a Multi-step Skincare Routine?

Many advocate for skincare because of the long-term benefits it gives your skin. Not only that, it’s also known to help you boost your confidence and develop habits that will help you be a better version of yourself in the long run. But many are wondering whether skincare in all its steps is really worth it.

In terms of investment in time, effort, and money, here’s why it’s worth it:

You’re carving time for yourself

When it comes to skincare, there is a need to sit down and go through the steps of the routine, no matter how simple it is. From buying face mask online to applying spa-quality products and letting them sit on your skin for half an hour, you know that it’s something that takes time out of your busy schedule. But is it a waste of time? The answer is no. Amidst the chaotic work schedule you have, it’s important that you leave room to be by yourself and to care for your needs. Skincare gives you that. While you’re going through your skincare routine step by step, you feel one with yourself and you feel attuned to your body.

You’re making yourself a priority

Do you end your day watching copious episodes of your favorite show until you pass out? Do you indulge in your favorite dessert or drink and call it a night? There is nothing wrong with these, but they don’t benefit your body and wellbeing. When you pass out from exhaustion, it means you’ve run your body to the ground doing mindless tasks. When you consume food and drinks with high caloric content, you may not get a restful sleep. On the contrary, if the ending of your day is a skincare routine that helps keep your skin moisturized and protects it from aging, you are doing something that has benefits for yourself, and it also helps you wind down before you sleep.

You’re making an investment into your future

What’s the difference between skincare and makeup? Makeup is an investment in your present self, while skincare is an investment in your future self. When you wear makeup today, the products lend their temporary effects to help you look good for meetings, whether virtual or in person. On the other hand, skincare is something that prepares and protects your skin from damage, all while making you look good today. All the investment that goes into skincare benefits your skin not just now, but also in the months to come. This is why beauty gurus consider skincare more important than makeup. In fact, if you keep a regular skincare routine, even without makeup, your skin will look blooming and beautiful. You can’t say the same for your bare face if you only wear makeup without a good skincare routine.

Any investment in yourself is worth the money and the time. Particularly for skincare, you benefit from the time it takes to pamper yourself, and you also see the results continuously, which helps build your confidence and improves your skin’s health.