5 Key Questions To Ask Your Boss If They Are Still Hesitant About Cloud Computing

Is your boss still hesitant about switching to cloud computing despite all of the evident advantages that it can bring? Perhaps you are the manager and feel obliged to convince the relevant shareholders to get on board because you know that switching to cloud computing can help you empower your employees, bolster security, and ultimately take the business to even greater heights.

If that’s the case, this is the article for you; we’re going to share 5 key questions that you can ask in order to encourage your indecisive boss/s to embrace the power of cloud computing…

  • What’s holding them back?

The first thing to ask is what they are most concerned about. What’s holding them back from transitioning to cloud-based computing?

By getting a better understanding of their fears, you’ll be better positioned to help them overcome them.

For example, if they are worried about any potential downtime during the transition period, reputable cloud service providers are renowned for making the transition smooth and with as little impact to your day to day as possible.

The same applies with cost concerns; if you help them focus on the immense cost-saving potential, it may help them to overcome their reservations with the initial investment.   

  • What would they do if the office burned down tomorrow?

Another important question to ask is what they would do if the office were to burn down tomorrow, or be subject to an earthquake, or if there was a break-in and all of the critical data stored on site was corrupted?

There’s only so much that insurance will cover. The fact is, without cloud storage backup, it can be very difficult (if not impossible) for a business to fully recover.

  • How do they plan to keep up with the competition?

The growth rate for businesses’ spending on cloud based services in Australia was forecast to be 31.8% in 2022 and that number will continue to rise in 2023 and beyond. Like it or not, Aussie businesses are recognising the immense potential that cloud-based computing has to offer which means that many of your competitors will be gaining a significant competitive advantage.

Ask your boss how they plan to keep up. Is there a counter strategy in place that will help facilitate growth? How will workflows be improved when your competitors are enjoying better collaboration and streamlined processes?

  • Ask them how they plan to attract fresh talent

If your boss or the relevant shareholders truly want to scale their business and become highly profitable, they’re going to want to attract fresh talent to their cause.

However, that will become increasingly difficult if they continue to resist the rise of cloud computing.

Attracting the best talent isn’t just about offering competitive salary and bonus incentives, but creating a working environment in which they can thrive. By adopting the many new advantages that cloud computing offers, your employees can actualise their true potential whilst enjoying better working conditions.

Nobody wants to be held back by old tech and dated methodology. As the saying goes: “build it and they will come.”

  • Ask them if they would be up for trying cloud computing in a limited capacity

Remind your boss that they don’t need to make a rapid and total change overnight. 

The transition can be gradual. In fact, one of the greatest things about cloud computing is the increased agility it can offer. For example, you only need to pay for what you use, which means that you can easily scale at a comfortable pace without spending too much on unnecessary services.