What Constitutes Drug Crimes in Houston?

As in any other city, drugs are a menace in Houston. At any given point in time, a particular drug may be abused by addicts, which varies based on cost, availability, and the”high” it provides. Ask any Houston drug crimes attorney, and they will confirm a spate of drug arrests in Houston. More drug abusers and traffickers are prowling the streets of Houston than ever before. 


It is not mere possession that makes you liable to be prosecuted. Even if you possess drug manufacturing equipment, an officer of the law can apprehend you. The definition says it includes equipment, any material, or product used to plant, grow, cultivate, or inject, inhale drugs. 

As early as 2010, Texas witnessed an increase in prescription drug abuse. Young folks used to party all night getting high on drugs like Vicodin, a prescription pain-killer that was misused, and Xanax, which is also a prescription drug and a controlled drug, meaning it can be addictive. 

It was common to mix these drugs with alcohol, which can be very dangerous. Several recoveries and de-addiction centers are offering effective rehabilitation treatment. 


Possession of controlled substances (drugs) in Houston, Texas, comes under the ambit of The Texas Controlled Substances Act. A Houston drug crimes attorney can explain the consequences of possessing illegal narcotics. 

Common Drug Crimes in Houston

Possession of Illegal Drugs

A few specified prescription drugs come under the Texas Controlled Substances Act. The prescription drugs coming under the purview of this act are not considered controlled substances. However, the authorities consider these drugs to be “dangerous” drugs. Citizens cannot possess such a drug without a valid prescription as it makes them liable to be charged.

Any person in possession of such a dangerous drug attracts felony charges, and the officers of the law will take into consideration the volume of drugs in your possession while filing charges. Holding 29gms or more is a felony under Texas law; any lesser quantity is an act of misdemeanor. 

Possessing with Intent to Manufacture

While the possession of illegal drugs is an offense, possessing with intent to manufacture is a much more severe offense attracting stiffer penalties. Even mere suspicion that you possess with intent to manufacture can draw a very stiff penalty. Only a Houston drug crimes attorney can convince the jury that you possessed the drugs with no intent to manufacture. 

You’ll be under the radar if:

  • You possess a large amount of cash 
  • Are you carrying drugs that you don’t usually need or use
  • Carry weapons, packaging material, or a weighing scale
  • Carry or transport any lab apparatus you can’t explain

Please be informed that possession with intent to manufacture is a severe offense under Texas law, attracting life imprisonment or stiff fines (up to $250,000), or both.

Distribution of Controlled Substances

Distributing controlled substances is a serious crime. The trafficker may or may not be a user but is into drug distribution, which is punishable under Texas law. Merely being a courier delivering a consignment of drugs to any recipient is a severe crime in Houston. Transporting drug manufacturing equipment is also considered a drug crime. 

How can a Houston Drug Crimes Attorney Help?

Unlike accident attorneys, you may not find a drug crimes attorney offering their services. However, you may have come across online ads and banners providing legal recourse to drug-related cases. It is advisable to approach a Board Certified drug crimes attorney if and when there is a need. 

Summing it Up

Drug abuse and crimes are on the rise in Houston, according to High-Density Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA). The Drug Enforcement Authority (DEA) claims that Houston is a major. Drug abuse has caused shocking 189,000 adults to suffer depression. However, if you are under suspicion for any drug-related issue, only an experienced drug crimes attorney can help you.