Do I Need a Living Will?


Are you wondering, is a living will important and necessary? The answer is an emphatic yes.

A living will is a document that helps you plan on end-of-life decisions such as end-of-life care, so you’re as comfortable as possible when the time comes.

There are many reasons to have one, and we’re going to give you several of the most important reasons below.

Keep reading to learn about why you should consider having a living will.

What Is a Living Will?

A living will is a written document that explains your wishes regarding medical treatment if you become incapacitated and are unable to make decisions for yourself. It can include your wishes for end-of-life care, such as whether you want to be kept on life support.

A living will takes effect if you can no longer communicate your decisions and is used as a guide for your family and medical providers. While a living will is not legally binding in all states, it is a good way to make your wishes known.

Who Needs a Living Will?

Many people think that a living will is only for older people or people with chronic illnesses. However, anyone can have unpredictable health problems at any time.

It is a good idea for all adults to have a living will, in case they are ever unable to make their own decisions about their medical care. If you are ever in an accident or are diagnosed with a sudden, serious illness, it can ensure that your wishes are followed, even if you are not able to communicate them yourself.

How Do I Create a Living Will?

There are a few steps to creating a living will. The first is to think about your medical preferences and what you would want if you were unable to communicate them. You should talk to estate planning attorneys as well.

You will then need to name a healthcare agent, someone who will make decisions on your behalf if you are unable to communicate them yourself. You will also need to get the will notarized and make sure to give copies to your healthcare agent, your doctor, and anyone else who may need it.

What Happens if I Don’t Have a Living Will?

If you don’t have a living will, your medical decisions will be up to your family or your doctor. This can be a difficult burden for your loved ones, and it can also be expensive.

Without a living will, your family will have to make decisions about your medical care without knowing your wishes. They may also have to go to court to get permission to make decisions on your behalf.

Get Yourself a Living Will

When it comes to your health and well-being, you should always have a plan in place. A living will is an important part of estate planning and can help ensure that your wishes are carried out if you become incapacitated. If you don’t have a living will, now is the time to create one.

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