How to Make Your Parent’s Transition to a Care Home as Stress-Free as Possible

Making the decision to move your parent into a care home can be difficult, but it can also be the best decision for their health and well-being. For an older person who is no longer able to live in their own home due to declining health, memory problems, or mobility issues that prevent them from living live to the fullest, moving to a care home can provide them with a new lease of life. With the support that they need on hand, and no need to worry about everything that comes with running your own home, your parent will have a chance to enjoy their golden years and focus on themselves. 

However, while moving into a good care home can be a positive experience for aging parents, that’s not to say that the transition won’t be difficult. Many of us are naturally resistant to change, and for older people especially, a big upheaval of their lives can take some getting used to. So, here’s how you can help make it easier for them. 

Communicate with Them

While you might have to take the reins and decide in their best interests, nobody likes to feel as though their lives are being planned out for them – especially older people, who’ve probably achieved a lot before now. It’s important to make sure that they are as involved as possible in the decision-making process and talk to them throughout, so they know exactly what to expect. Encourage them to ask questions and talk to them about any concerns that they might have. 

Involve Other Family Members

Moving a parent into a care home can be difficult, so rope in other family members to help. Siblings, grandparents, cousins – anybody who can help with making the process easier and rally round to support your parent in this time should be called upon. The more familiar faces they have around them, and the more supported they feel, the easier the move is going to be for them. Not only should you all make sure that they know you’re there for them, but you also need to spend time with them – especially during the first few weeks of the move. Being in a new, unfamiliar place can be stressful, and seeing family often is essential for settling in. 

Be Patient

Even if you find a wonderful care home that offers everything your parent needs and then some, such as this care home in Mansfield, it’s important to have realistic expectations when it comes to how well they are going to settle. It’s not uncommon for older people to become homesick when first moving into a care home – after all, it’s a big change in their living situation and it might take a while for them to start feeling like they’re at home. Be patient and give them plenty of time as they adjust to their new surroundings. Encourage them to make friends and take advantage of the activities on offer, while keeping in touch as much as possible. 

Moving a parent to a care home is often unavoidable, but that doesn’t make it easy. The transition can be difficult for both of you, so be patient, communicate often, and get the support of other family members.