How to Set a Goal and Achieve It: 4 Strategies That Work

Take a moment to think about what you want to accomplish in life. Now, think about how good it’s going to feel when you finally have it.

It might feel impossible right now, but with the correct strategy, your dreams can become a reality!

Keep reading as we discuss how to set a goal and achieve it by looking at concrete, tangible solutions.

1. Know Your Personality

There are plenty of great strategies for setting achievable goals, but unless you know what motivates you personally, you’re going to have a hard time staying dedicated. That’s why it’s a great idea to take a quick personal inventory and think about how you like to tackle challenges.

As an example, consider the 10x Rule vs. The One Thing debate.

If you asked yourself, “what is the 10x rule?” it’s worth noting that you’ve probably heard of it before, even if you know it by a different name. The idea is that you’ll set a goal, think about how much effort it’ll take to accomplish, then put forth 10x the effort.

The One Thing, in contrast, suggests that goal-setters hyper focus on a single step of their goal, then gradually increase effort over time to make it easier on yourself.

Suffice to say, which idea you’ll gravitate toward is dependent on your personality.

2. Try the S.M.A.R.T. Method

As you’re pondering your personal motivations and work styles, break up your goal in accordance to the S.M.A.R.T. method. The acronym stands for:

  • Specific
  • Measured
  • Attainable
  • Relevant
  • Time-based

This is a technique businesses use all the time when updating their goals, and it can work for you, too, as the S.M.A.R.T. method acts as a blueprint. As long as you’re following the guidelines you’ve set, you should be golden.

Just make sure to pay extra special attention to the ‘specific’ and ‘attainable’ portions. Have an idea of what you want, but make sure it’s realistic.

3. Celebrate the Small Victories

Though it might not feel like it at the moment, every stop forward on your journey represents progress. By the same token, it’s so easy to look at how much distance you still have to cover and feel discouraged.

Don’t get yourself down. Instead, by your biggest cheerleader and celebrate the victories, no matter how small they really are.

Looking for a new job and have an interview scheduled? That’s fantastic! That’s one more interview than you had last week.

Want to save money but only put away $5? You’ll thank yourself when you see that $5 blossom into $100.

4. Be Patient With Yourself

Here’s the thing: no matter how dedicated you are and how many goal-achieving strategies you research, you’re going to stumble at some point. That’s just human nature, and it’s unfortunately unavoidable.

Don’t let that stop you from getting back on that horse.

Instead, view every stumbling block as a learning opportunity. Once you have some distance from the situation, ask yourself what you learned from your mistake and how you can prevent it next time. Because there will be a next time.

Aim to be as patient with yourself as possible. You deserve it!

Smash Your Success: How to Set a Goal and Achieve It

Ultimately, learning how to set a goal and achieve it is about preparation and forgiveness. The more specific you are with your goal-setting, and the more understanding you are with yourself, the likelier you are to hit those goals.

We have plenty of additional tips, too! Be sure to check out our blog for more great content.