The pitfalls to consider when you are applying for a driving test in The UAE

In the UAE obtaining a driving license is nothing short of a milestone. More than anything else if you want to be behind the wheel in this part of the world you need a license. For some ex-pats a VIP driving license Dubai indicates they can transfer the license from their home country. But in a majority of people from other nationalities, this does not turn out to be the case. They have to appear and pass the driving test.

The age criteria in place to apply for a driving license

This is totally dependent upon the type of vehicle you are planning to drive

  • Before taking the test, you need to be at least 18 years. Though you may start learning from 17 years and 6 months.
  • For a person with disabilities there is a slight modification in age and it can be 17 years
  • You need to be 20 years if you want to obtain a license for a tractor or a heavy vehicle. On the other hand, the license for business requires an applicant to be 21 years of age

The number of classes that you need to attend before you apply for a driving license

The exact number of classes that you need to appear for a driving test does vary from one emirate to another emirate.

  • In Abu Dhabi you need to sit for 8 classes and pass a return theory test before you sit for the full driving test. The length of each session varies to around 2 hours
  • It is slightly different in Dubai where the number of lessons is dependent upon your experience.
  • Learn driver needs to register for 20 hours in Dubai. It is in the form of 10 lessons that are split into 2 hours per session
  • The rare exception to this case is if anyone has a license from any other GCC country. They can skip the tests and sit for the driving test straight away. But if they fail they need to take 4 hours of additional classes before they can sit for the test.

The reasons why people fail their driving test

People tend to be nervous about the test. It is suggested that you drive half an hour early, reach the venue and become familiar with the surroundings. Most times people end up failing the test is due to minor reasons. Check out the driving center in Dubai on what are the main reasons why people fail the test.

Not using indicators does happen a lot. In some cases, people do not use them at all or end up using them in an incorrect way. One of the mistakes that people make is that they do not check the centre break or when reversing not check over the shoulders. What it means is that the person is not aware of their surroundings. The candidate is deemed to have failed if they go on to commit 12 minor mistakes or it can be a single major mistake.

Among the major mistakes means that you fail to stop the car at the stop signs. Another mistake is when you are driving too fast towards the traffic lights and trying to stop all of a sudden. If you are not able to judge the traffic properly then it also amounts to a series mistakes at your end. These are the few tips that you need to be aware before you are planning to obtain a driving license on all counts at the same time.