What Areas Does a Family Lawyer Cover?

Law is the very basis of our society and there are many fields of law; criminal, corporate and family, which covers a wide range of scenarios ranging from will-writing to divorce and separation. The demand for lawyers with an in-depth knowledge of complex family laws emerges due to a wide range of situations and with that in mind, here are a few areas a family lawyer would be competent with.

  • Divorce & separation – A leading family law attorney that serves Orange County would have experienced divorce lawyers on their books. They have dealt with many separations and have the right skill sets to ensure a favourable outcome for you. SUppose you need help with separation and more, search for divorce attorney services Carrollton GA to get assitance. .
  • Child support, custody & visitation rights – When kids are involved, they must come first and a suitable system should be in place so that both parents have their time with their offspring. Of course, this doesn’t always work out and in the event you need to go to the family court, you will be happy you chose a leading family law attorney. If your situation is stressing you out, try Korean massage, which is said to be a great stress reliever.
  • Will-writing – If you wish to create a Last Will & Testament, the family lawyer is the person to contact; they have many years of hands-on experience drafting wills and fully understand the complex process.
  • Conflict of estate – It is sometimes the case where a family member feels they have been unfairly treated in a deceased person’s will; If your uncle always promised to leave you his Maserati but you didn’t get a mention in the will, you might have grounds to contest the will. A family attorney would be able to tell you what your chances are of success once they have heard your story, and this is usually taken on as a ‘no win-no fee’ basis.
  • Setting up a trust – You might have older children and are married for the second time and wish to secure the education of your kids. Creating a trust will ensure that the money is there to take your kids to whatever level they wish to study, equipping them for success.
  • Asset division – When two people decide to end their relationship, there is always the question of assets; what are classed as joint and what assets are not part of the agreement. This primarily involves real estate, vehicles, works of art, businesses and jewellery; the lawyer mediates with your ex-partner’s lawyer until an agreement is reached regarding division of assets. Sometimes, a cash figure is part of the settlement, when one party wishes to retain the family home and a one-off payment is made to compensate for the loss of the real estate, which would normally be 50% of the current value. Out of court settlements are the norm, which saves time for all concerned and the family courts can deal with more pressing cases.

As you can see, the family lawyer has to have in-depth knowledge of complex laws and should you require a legal family expert, Google is your best friend. Here is some information about US lawyer registration.