How to soothe your sore throat?

You can’t eat or drink if you have a sore throat due to tonsil stones or any throat infection. So what foods you should take while having a painful and uncomfortable throat?

Are tonsil stones contagious :

Tonsil stones aren’t contagious but they may cause sore throat and infection in your tonsils that may be painful. If they become enlarged you should seek medical help.

Read this article to learn the best foods you can eat and drink. This article lists the type of food you should take or avoid while having a sore throat.

What foods and drinks are best while having a sore throat.

Soft and moist foods that are easy to swallow will be good for you while having a sore throat. Having warm drinks such as green tea will help you to sooth your sore throat. Soft foods will not irritate your infected throat.

Here’s the list of foods you can have in a course of day with sore throat:

  • cooked pasta with cheese and macaroni
  • Cooked grains and oatmeal with milk
  • Yogurt. You can add purred fruits for taste and sweetness.
  • Pureed cooked vegetables
  • Fruit juices or smoothies
  • Mashed boiled potatoes
  • Creamy soups and chicken broth
  • Warm milk
  • Popsicles and scrambled boiled eggs

These foods will help you to feel full without irritating your sore throat or tonsil stones. While having all essential nutrients in your diet.

Foods and drinks you should avoid while having sore throat

Foods you can not swallow easily or they may irritate your sore throat you should avoid these foods.

Here’s the list of foods you should avoid while having sore throat.

  • Salty crackers
  • Bread crust or crispy bread
  • Spicy, sizzling and hot seasonings and sauces
  • Carbonated drinks
  • Coffee
  • Alcohol wine etc.
  • Dry snack foods, such as potato chips and popcorns
  • Fresh and raw vegetables
  • High acidic fruits, such as tomatoes, and grapefruits oranges, lemons, lime.

Some people having sore throat drinking milk will increase production of mucus in your throat so removing it will irritate your throat and can cause coughing.

How to treat a sore throat?

First step in treating your sore throat at home is gargling with salt and warm water. It is the most effective and cost effective process to calm your throat. Add tablespoon of salt in warm water and then gargle repeat this process 5 times and you will feel good.

You can use many herbal remedies like drinking warm green tea for sore throat and common cold or flu. You should take care of potential risks as you should avoid these remedies if you have any allergy of herbal products.

When you have to visit doctor:

If you are not recovering after using simple home remedies or your throat is more sore and painful it’s the time to visit your doctor. 

You can have sore throat due to many environmental factors such as smoke, cigarettes smoke or environmental pollution. Sore throats usually occur due to viral or bacterial infections. If your doctor prescribe any antibiotic so your throat is infected by bacteria. Keep noted that throat infected with viral infection antibiotics will not work.

Sore throats can be recovered within a week , but it often can take a few days. You can treat your sore throat at home by following above mentioned tips.