Is it Painful to Have a Crown Put on Your Tooth?

Dental Invisalign Distributor trinity nc are used for improving the oral health of a patient and are a restorative procedure that helps in limiting or arresting further wear and tear of the teeth. For many people, the mere thought of the word, makes they feel trepidation that it would be a painful process, but in reality, any Cheshire dentist will tell you that it is a fairly normal procedure which is generally not painful at all.

Not every restorative procedure requires a dental crown, however, there are some scenarios in which it may be required. Situations where a tooth has experienced significant amount of decay or has fractured or broken down – the need for a dental crown may arise. In other situations, if a tooth is not able to properly give support to the filling inside, then the tooth is generally covered with a crown to offer support and make sure that the filling does not come loose in the future. Apart from this whenever a root canal treatment is performed, a dental crown is generally the final step so that the patient is able to come back to normal chewing habits. Hence, when it comes to dental implants or bridges a Cheshire dentist may suggest you get a crown so that the missing teeth can be covered up.

Coming to the entire procedure that is involved when it comes to dental crowns includes:

  • First and foremost, one of the primary concerns when getting a dental crown made is that it should match the list of the patient’s teeth, so that it does not look out of place and gives an aesthetically pleasing as well as a functional answer to the problem. Dental crowns can be made out of a variety of materials, like ceramic, metal, zirconium etc.
  • When you go and visit your Cheshire dentist for the first time he will first take the measurements of the teeth for the crowns need to prepared. Using. Local anaesthetic will be applied, and the entire area will be numbed first and then the teeth will have to be filed away and grinded a bit so that space can be created for them to be able to fit the dental crowns. Post this the impression will be made in a cast so that they can go ahead and sent the crown to be customised according to the patient’s measurements. In the meanwhile, when your crown is being created they will give your temporary crown to wear so that the tooth or teeth do not remain exposed for long.
  • After this, you will be called in for fittings when the dental crowns have been made perfectly. In the second sitting your permanent new crowns will be affixed permanently. Even then the patient will be given a local anaesthetic so that no discomfort is felt during the fitting. The doctor will finally check that the crown fits your teeth in the best way possible and any problems with the bite etc. will be addressed immediately before affixing the teeth.

Now that you know how the procedure goes you need to not worry about the procedure causing any kind of pain. Due to the usage of local anaesthetics there is no pain in the procedure, at its worst — people might say that it might feel mildly uncomfortable, just like the prep for an Invisalign in Cheshire might be. The point is that getting dental crowns has way too many benefits to be actually bothered by the thought of it being painful.

Your Cheshire dentist will assure that dentistry has moved ahead leaps and bounds, to the point that almost every dental procedure now is virtually painless. The point of getting dental crowns is that your teeth are in such a fragile state that they will not be able to survive on their own. Getting dental crowns hence, becomes a necessity, and you should get the fear of pain out of your head. Mostly the process is going to be absolutely painful, what actually might cause you a feeling of discomfort, would be the sound and sensation of grinding the teeth out, which tends to trigger a bit of discomfort in people who are getting dental crowns for the first time. So fret not, the procedure is totally worth it, because of the benefits it holds.