Permanent Birth Control: Exploring Your Options

Are you ready to stop having kids or feel that children aren’t a part of your future? If so, you may benefit from permanent birth control.

There are three permanent birth control options for women and men. Permanent birth control is desirable over other forms of birth control because people can enjoy sex without worrying about an unwanted pregnancy or unnecessary hormones.

That being said, permanent birth control is a permanent decision that could be difficult to reverse and requires one partner to undergo surgery. Therefore, you’ll want to explore your options to ensure it’s right for you.

Keep reading to learn more.

Tubal Ligation

Tubal ligation is the permanent, surgical form of birth control that women undergo. This procedure is what people refer to when they say “having my tubes tied.”

The tubal ligation surgery can be performed right after childbirth under spinal anesthesia making it a minilaparotomy. The surgeon will cut through the woman’s abdomen immediately after giving birth. Next, they will remove the fallopian tubes which are responsible for releasing an egg into the ovaries.

If you wish to undergo tubal ligation at another point, it is called a laparoscopy. This is done using general or spinal anesthesia. The surgeon will also cut into the abdomen, but instead, they will tie or seal the fallopian tubes.

It is not likely to reverse tubal ligation, however, there is a very rare chance that pregnancy could still occur. Read more about pregnancy and tubal ligation here.

Some may opt for a bilateral salpingectomy as an extra precaution because both fallopian tubes are removed.


A hysterectomy is a more invasive procedure that involves the removal of the entire uterus. This option is not only great at permanently stopping pregnancy, but it also can help with period or cancer-related issues.

An open surgery hysterectomy is the most common procedure which involves cutting into the abdomen to remove the uterus.

However, women may also choose an MIP hysterectomy which involves different methods of removing the uterus.


A vasectomy is the permanent birth control option for men. It is also known as sterilization, as it blocks sperm from being procured upon ejaculation.

Many partners will choose a vasectomy as their permanent birth control because the procedure is much simpler and less invasive.

Typically, the procedure only involves light sedation and local anesthetic. The surgeon will make a small incision or puncture into the scrotum and then cut and tie the vas deferens, which is the sperm duct.

Recovery is very quick during a vasectomy and stitches are usually not needed.

Permanent Birth Control Options

This article taught you about the permanent birth control options available. While not every option is for everyone, this guide will help you explore the options that could be the best fit.

If you’re ready to try a permanent birth control method, utilize one of these options listed and speak to your doctor.

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